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Heeyun requested for ddeukbokki the next morning, Seokmin told her they'll have it for lunch instead of breakfast but Heeyun was persistent.

"Heeyun," Seokmin looks at her as she stares aimlessly at her bowl of rice. "It's not good to have spicy things in the morning. It'll make your stomach upset." She simply snicker as she continued to play around with the grains of rice, their eomma scolding Heeyun.

"I should've just stayed with Yoohyun for breakfast." She grumbled. The rest of breakfast went as per usual, eomma Yang talked about her week at work and how one of her pesky co-workers continued to ask her out for a drink. That was one of the things Seokmin admired about his mother. No matter how many times she was asked out or bothered she wouldn't let it affect her, she simply continued on with her day. At one point Heeyun had asked her why she didn't want to go out with anyone, in which she replied with, 'All I need is you two in my life, and I wouldn't trade it for having someone else be a part of it.' After that Heeyun gave up on pestering her, instead their mother pestering Heeyun about getting a boyfriend as a joke.

Heeyun excuses herself from the table as she goes back up to her room, she drags her feet across the wooden floor, Seokmin and his mother exchanging glances. Seokmin gets up and goes over to her bowl prior to bringing it over to the sink, his mother getting a head start on washing dishes.

"What's wrong with her?" Seokmin hands his mother the dishes in the sink as she covers each dish with soap, the scent of lemon lingering.

"I overheard her talk to Yoohyun when she was on the phone with her a while ago," Seokmin gives his mother a questioning look, his mother continuing. "I wasn't ease dropping! I was going to put her laundry away and her door just so happened to be open. Anyway, I'm guessing she liked this one boy and she confessed but it didn't work out so well. What was his name? Junghwan? No, wait, Jungkook? Yes, Jungkook." Seokmin's eyes went wide at his mother's words, his mouth hung agape.

"He's my age!" Seokmin exclaimed, his mother motioning for him to quiet down. "He's my sunbae!"

"Seokmin, please be considerate for your sister. I think she might be heart broken from it." Seokmin scoffs at his mother's answer. His mother lightly nudges him, Seokmin sighing. "Can you go and talk to her about it?"

"What? Why me?" Seokmin questioned, surprised by his mother's request. "Isn't that a 'mother-daughter' kind of topic?"

"Seokmin, please." Seokmin sighed once again prior to heading up the stairs and in the direction of her room, his hand gripping onto the door knob.

"Heeyun-ah, can we talk?" He knocks on the door twice before carefully opening the door, her body hidden under the comforter. He closes the door and heads over to her bed, a shift in weight causes her to move. "Heeyun."

"Are you going to make fun of me?" She throws the blanket off of her and stares at her brother, tears staining her cheeks. "Or laugh at me for liking someone I'm unable to be with?" Her voice becomes strained as tears continue to fall, Seokmin pulling her into a hug without saying anything. Heeyun's wet tears stain his shirt as she continues to cry, Seokmin rubbing her back as he tries to calm her down.

"It's okay," Seokmin tells her in hopes it'll calm her down a little. "As corny and overused as this may sound, you don't need him."

"I can't believe I ended up liking a guy out of my league." Heeyun says, completely ignoring Seokmin's previous statement.

"If it helps, I heard Jungkook is the same way." Seokmin added on, Heeyun's eyes staring at him in disbelief. She moves away and sits next to her brother, her expression showing interest. "There's rumors that went on saying he 'had' a crush on Lee Jieun sunbaenim." He puts air quotes around the word 'had', Heeyun's eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Isn't she older?" Heeyun asked in which Seokmin nodded. "Didn't she graduate already?"

"Yup," Seokmin chimed in. "A while ago, I think she might've graduated university by now." The look on Heeyun's face was something Seokmin regretted not getting on camera, in other words it was priceless. Her face scrunches up in surprise, her head shaking in disbelief. "See? You don't need him, you'll find someone else."

"You're right," She agrees as she wipes the remainder of tears off of her cheeks. "You know, Soonyoung oppa looks really good with his hair dyed blonde." Seokmin grabs her pillow and hits her, Seokmin's laugh emitting throughout the room. He shakes his head as he leaves her room, laughter still heard even after he left.

Seokmin trails behind as Heeyun runs towards the ddeukbokki shop, Seokmin calling for her to wait up. She doesn't. By the time he's in the small shop, Heeyun had already began ordering, Seokmin's stomach dropping once he sees Inhyung working the register. Immediately, Seokmin makes a beeline for a table located near the entrance, every now and then he caught glances of his sister talking to her. He was caught off guard when he saw his sister point at him, Inhyung staring in his direction as well. Embarrassed, he rests his head against the table, minutes later Heeyun places something on the table that caused Seokmin to look up; Heeyun motions for them to get going. The bubbling pit in his stomach goes away once they leave the shop, Seokmin asking his sister what her conversation with Inhyung was all about.

"She just asked if I was your younger sister." Heeyun responded as if it was nothing.

"That's it?" Seokmin questioned, interested to know more. "Those were her exact words?"

"Is that your brother over there? Lee Seokmin?" Heeyun quotes. "I think I may have a class with him." Seokmin smiles to himself the minute those few words leave his sister's mouth. "But I think she might've intended the last part to be only for her to hear." Right as Seokmin was about to respond, a voice torn them away from their conversation. The two look back only to see Inhyung running towards them, Inhyung handing Heeyun something.

"You forgot your card." Though she gave it to Heeyun, Inhyung's eye contact never broke from Seokmin, the thought of acknowledgement finally hitting him.

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