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It was anything but casual as the two continue walking with their hands intertwined, Seokmin trying his hardest to hide his smile. He took glances every now and then at Inhyung  who managed to keep her expressions under control, Seokmin left starring in belief. 

How is she able to do this? He thought. Well then again she was the one who initiated all of this, she should be held responsible, right? Then again, why am I left so happy from this small gesture?

"It's nice, isn't it?" Inhyung asked. Seokmin had to be careful with his words, is she talking about the small gesture, is it small talk, or something completely different? He simply asked her to repeat herself, Seokmin waiting for her to elaborate a little more. "The scenery? It's nice?" It sounded more of a question than a simple statement, Seokmin quickly agreeing. "It's also nice to hear the boys not fighting." He merely nodded along as they kept walking. He wasn't sure whether it was the sunrays that reflected off of Inhyung's skin or small birds calling out for each other but to him Inhyung looked different in this light. She looked genuinely happy. Unlike previous times, her mood was dull and monotone but right now she looked as if her worries had slipped away and she enjoyed living in this moment. In return, Seokmin held onto her hand with a firm grip which seemed to bring comfort to her. Everything seemed to slip past him as well, Seokmin having to ask Mingyu to repeat his question once more seeing that he wasn't paying attention.

"I said, 'which path would be best to take?'." The boy repeated. He looked past the boy's shoulder to see a fork in the path, Soonyoung arguing with Seungcheol over which way was the best. "Soonyoung and Wonwoo think it's best to go right while Seungcheol is arguing that left is better. So as of right now it's two versus one but I'm pretty sure Jun will side with Seungcheol. We need a tie-breaker."

"What about Inhyung's vote?" Seokmin asked. "Doesn't her vote matter as well?" Inhyung nodded in agreement, Mingyu looking down at her with sympathy.

"Sorry, but this is something for 'men' to decide." Mingyu responded. He ducked his head to meet their level, Mingyu then whispering. "It was Jun who told me to say that. Sorry Inhyung-ie." Inhyung hit Mingyu in the chest out of retaliation, Mingyu quickly rubbing his chest to soothe the (little to none) pain.

"Well you know what they say, 'when things don't go right go left'." Mingyu cringes at Seokmin's lame joke as Inhyung casually laughs along.

"So left?" Mingyu confirms to which Seokmin nods. Mingyu mirrors his actions and goes back to tell the others, Wonwoo then stating, 'if I get mauled by something Seokmin's getting sacrificed'. The entire grouped laughed at Wonwoo's statement, this creating another conversation among the boys as they went left.

It didn't occur to him until they finished going on their walk when he realized it would've been a good time for him to confess, he buried his face in the palm of his hand when realization hit him.

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