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Seokmin paced back and forth underneath the large tree that stood near the school's main exit, worries starting to trouble him the minute he doesn't see any of his friends. He begins to chew at his bottom lip as he fumbles around with his fingers, a voice calling out to him which disrupts his never ending thoughts.

"Lee Seokmin!" He looks over in the direction of the voice only to see Inhyung approaching, his eyes widening when he notices it was only her. He forces himself to maintain a calmed expression when she finally reaches him, the two standing at an arm's length distance from each other. "Where are the others?"

"Uh, I don't -" Seokmin was cut off by the sound of his phone going off, he apologizes to Inhyung before fishing the device out of his pocket. He sighs when the message reads from Soonyoung, the text saying the entire group will meet there, leaving Inhyung and Seokmin together for the time being. Seokmin doesn't know if he should scold Soonyoung for how this played out, Seokmin's best bet was that the entire group knew - judging by the winky face Soonyoung added at the end of the text. Seokmin shoves the phone back into his pocket before looking back at Inhyung, her expression showing she has no idea of the message sent by Soonyoung. "It turns out we're going to meet them there, I guess they had something else they wanted to do before. I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all!" Inhyung replies cheerily as she links arms with Seokmin before the two walk off school grounds. "We should get going then, right? Don't want to be late." Seokmin sheepishly laughs along as Inhyung leads the way, Seokmin starting to think of ways to yell at Soonyoung later.

Nearly fifteen minutes into the walk Seokmin starts to adjust to having his arms linked with Inhyung, Seokmin thanks that she hasn't looked at him directly or else she would've saw him sweating bullets.

"So how was your day?" He asked, his voice still hesitant. "Everything fine?"

"Yeah," Inhyung responded as she sighed. "Strangely enough, Seungcheol hasn't been bugging me."

"That's good, right?" Seokmin continues as he brings his free hand to his forehead, the little beads of sweat starting to diminish.

"I guess," She replies, shrugging. "Maybe I'm just not used to it."

"I'm sure you'll get used to it." He reassures her, Inhyung nodding along. The two continue to walk along the sidewalk until the sounds of seagulls draw closer, Seokmin confirming this was the correct destination. "I think we're here." Inhyung untangles herself from Seokmin as she goes running towards the water, Seokmin calling for her. "Inhyung-ah! Take off your shoes and socks, you don't want to lose points tomorrow for getting them dirty." He laughs when she struggles to maintain her balance as she takes her shoes and socks off while trying to get closer to the water, Seokmin doing the same before catching up to her.

Inhyung sat close to the water as the sun lingered across the water, Seokmin taking the spot next to her.

"Do you want my coat?" She looked at him confused, Seokmin continuing with his statement. "I mean to sit on, your skirt will get dirty."

"It's fine," She says as her hands run through the sand. "A little sand doesn't hurt." They enjoy the view in silence as the waves crashing providing ambiance, Seokmin stealing glances every now and then. His hand slowly drew closer to hers as he looked around, the softness of the sand bringing his eyes to close while continuing his movements. Screaming in the distance halts his movements, their attention caught on the group of kids running to them. As they draw closer, Seokmin squints his eyes in hopes of being able to recognize them - which he does. He barely recognizes his group of friends; Soonyoung, Minghao, and Jihoon have all dyed their hair different shades of brown. The group tackles Seokmin and Inhyung - well, mainly Seokmin. Heeyun greets Inhyung as she sits next to her, while the boys sit around Seokmin.

"Is this what you've guys have been doing all this time?" Seokmin questions, as he looks at the group of boys. "Dying your hair?"

"Well, it's spring and apparently 'natural' colors are in."

"Plus, we don't get as many points penalized when its a more 'neutral' color than a crazy one." Minghao adds, Soonyoung lightly shoving him.

"Ya! He's not suppose to know that, we agreed on using my response." Soonyoung says to the younger, Minghao's hands pressed together in a pleading motioning to Soonyoung.

"Either way it looks nice." Inhyung compliments from the other end, Soonyoung going over to quickly high five her.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry." Jihoon cuts in, his hand pressed against his stomach. Soonyoung is the first to get up, his fist in the air as he exclaims for the need of food, the rest looking at him in disbelief. One by one everyone gets up and follows Soonyoung, Seokmin waiting behind for Inhyung as she dusts herself off.

"What about Wonwoo and Mingyu?" Seokmin asks, the others looking at Soonyoung for a response. "I didn't notice them when you guys came, are they going to meet up with us?"

"Oh, right." Soonyoung starts, his eyes squinted as a large smile was etched upon his face. "Mingyu got grounded and Wonwoo decided to stay behind as well because he didn't think it was fair of him to go without Mingyu." Seokmin nods in acknowledgement before everyone continued walking. Up ahead, Jihoon moves towards Soonyoung, Jihoon talking about a nearby burger joint. "Burgers okay with everyone?"

"Yes!" The rest of the group shouts, smiles wore upon everyone's faces. The group walks in the opposite direction of the ocean and towards the paved sidewalk, Inhyung calling for the group to wait as she slips her socks and shoes on, Seokmin doing the same. By the time they reach the sidewalk the street lights are already on, the sky turning shades of pink and blue.

Everyone is sat around the table as various conversations keep them company, Soonyoung nearly began screaming once he saw the food. Seokmin throws a French fry in his direction, lose fries falling out of Soonyoung's mouth as he mirrors Seokmin's actions. As Heeyun tried to calm everyone down, it only got worse, Inhyung helping Seokmin defend their 'area'. Luckily Heeyun was able to stop everyone right before they were nearly kicked out, Heeyun sending glares to Soonyoung and Seokmin.

Satisfied and full, they leave the restaurant and head back onto the sidewalk before walking, Soonyoung talking non-stop about how good the fries were.

"Soonyoung we know," Heeyun says in hopes he'll stop. "You even ordered extra to go."

"Because that's how good they were, Heeyun-ah!" Everyone laughs along at Soonyoung's antics, Soonyoung left pleased with their reactions. The group halts to a stop when a large crowd blocks off the crosswalk, Seokmin looking at the light above only to realize it was red. Everyone within the groups stands in confusion while the crowd mumbles to one another some gasping at the sight before them.

"What's going on?" Jihoon asks as he looks to Soonyoung and Seokmin for an answer.

"Soonyoung," Seokmin says. "You're the taller one between us, can you see what's going on?" Soonyoung asks those around him if he can move forward to see what's going on, Soonyoung muttering about how he wished Mingyu was here. Within thirty seconds Soonyoung comes back with a worried expression, his eyes shifting to the ground. "What's going on?"

"Someone from our school is walking in the middle of traffic." He spits out. Everyone's eyes go wide at Soonyoung's statement, Heeyun asking him to confirm.

"Do you know who?"

"I don't know," Soonyoung panics. "All I saw was the back of his head."

"It's a boy?" Inhyung intervenes.

"Yeah, his hair is a similar color to mine and it's short. He was also wearing the male uniform." Soonyoung adds on. Inhyung curses beneath her breathe as she pushes through the crowd, the others doing the same when they saw her sudden actions.

Without a second thought Inhyung runs across the street, the crowd around them gasping as cars swerve around her.



A/N: oOOH, what.
but anyway, i just want to say sorry for the lack of updates. i've been having writer's block lately and hopefully, this chapter makes up for  it. also, i had some inspiration from their 'pretty u' video.

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