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Various conversations fill the hallway as Seokmin talks to Soonyoung, Minghao managing to join mid conversation.

"Hyung," Minghao tugs at Soonyoung's shirt, Soonyoung adverting his attention to the younger. "Did you hear about the new students from America?"" Seokmin perked up at this information, Minghao starting to continue. "They're from America."

"Are they pretty?" Soonyoung asks, Seokmin shoving him lightly.

"I guess if your asking in terms of boys then maybe." Minghao replies, Soonyoung's expression dropping. Right as Minghao opened him mouth to speak once more, Seungkwan strolled past them with two other boys; Seungkwan's loud voice resonating within the hallway.

"And this is the English hallway, over there is an ethics class." Seungkwan points, his grand hand gestures nearly knocking a kid out. "Over here we have - oh, hi Inhyung." Seungkwan pauses to wave at her, the two boys exchanging greetings with her. "This is Yu Inhyung, she's currently winning our school's poll for 'pretties smile'." Inhyung covers her mouth as she tries to hold back a smile, Seungkwan redirecting the two boy's attention and focused it back on the tour.

"Can we invite them to our lunch table?" Minghao asks, Soonyoung taken aback by the younger's bold statement.

"Only if they're cool with it." Minghao pumps his fist in the air at Soonyoung's approval, Soonyoung saying his goodbyes to Seokmin as he continued to walk with Minghao. As the two left, Seokmin began walking towards Inhyung to congratulate her on her lead in the poll; his expression dropping when he saw Seungcheol next to her. Seokmin froze in his tracks when he saw this, Inhyung glancing over at him. Surprised, Seokmin tries to walk away as if nothing happened, in the process he knocks a trash can over. Embarrassment flushes over him as several eyes stare at him, hastily he picks up the fallen receptacle and continues walking in the opposite direction.

Seokmin stands in line next to Soonyoung as kids get their lunch, Seokmin asking about Minghao's whereabouts.

"I think he went to go and find those two exchange students."

"You don't find it weird that he's so interested by them?" Seokmin hands Soonyoung a spoon and chopsticks, Soonyoung simply shrugging.

"Nah, I asked him why when we left and he said he wanted to ask them about America. Minghao doesn't plan on going to the States anytime soon but he wanted to know if it's anything like the movies." Seokmin chuckles at Minghao's innocence as they continue to move, their eyes fixed on the seafood udon. "You picked a good day to buy lunch." Seokmin nods in agreement, their mouths beginning to water when their trays were handed to them. The two walk back to their usual table, they're surprised when they see two unfamiliar figures sitting at the table.

"They said it's similar to the movies!" Minghao exclaimed, the two boys chuckling at Minghao's fascination for America. Seokmin and Soonyoung set their trays down as Minghao introduces the two boys. Seokmin surprised by how well they spoke Korean.

"I'm actually half Korean." The younger one, Chwe Hansol informs them. "And Jisoo hyung is Korean-American."

"Wah, daebak." Soonyoung says, his expression mirroring Minghao's.

"They even have English names." Minghao adds on. "Joshua and Vernon."

"I've always wanted an English name." Soonyoung says as he brings a spoonful of broth up to his lips. They all start to eat as Jisoo and Hansol talk about their experiences in America, Seokmin's gaze drifting towards the door every now and then.

"Do you think we'll have enough seats for the other two?" Soonyoung shrugs, Seokmin excusing himself to go and get two more chairs, he ends up doing a double take at the sight in front of him. Seungcheol gripped onto Mingyu's clothes as Seungcheol began to curse at him, Wonwoo trying to pry Seungcheol off. Despite Mingyu's height, he still showed fear towards Seungcheol, from another perspective the view was quite funny. Wonwoo yells at Mingyu to push Seungcheol off, the thought of using his height never crossing Mingyu's mind. Mingyu's hand presses against Seungcheol's forehead as he pushes Seungcheol off of him, Junhui quickly rushing up to hold Seungcheol back as Mingyu and Wonwoo walk in the direction of Seokmin.

"What was that all about?"

"This idiot nearly got himself killed from that grease ball." Wonwoo responded, Seokmin instructing them to bring chairs back to their table.

"Hyung, I didn't argue with Junhui." Mingyu states, Wonwoo kicking Mingyu's shin. "It was Seungcheol, remember?"

"I was talking about Seungcheol. It was a joke, stupid." The three arrive at the table, Minghao introducing both Jisoo and Hansol. The seven of them share stories and inform Jisoo and Hansol on everyone in the school, the two nodding in acknowledgement. As Soonyoung gives a brief description about some of the kids within school, Seokmin leaned towards Mingyu and asked him what that argument was all about.

"Seungcheol was angry that I took his gift for Inhyung, apparently he was going to give the bread and milk to her before he confessed."

spilled milk °  lee seokminOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora