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Seokmin went to bed that night with various thoughts poured into his head, the progression of the day constantly replaying. A knock at the door tore him away from his thoughts, a silhouette walking towards him. He reaches over in the direction of his nightstand and turns on the lamp, his younger sister handing him a glass of water.

"Eomma didn't know if you were still studying, she wanted me to hand this to you before heading to bed." Accepting, he takes the glass cup from her prior to ruffling her hair, on the way out she starts to mutter about how he had 'ruined' her hair.

"Thanks Heeyun." The door closes as the small light continues to emit throughout the room, Seokmin taking a sip of the water prior to going back to sleep. Sleep starts to set in as his eyes close, his mind starting to wander elsewhere.

The sound of frantic footsteps wake him up, his sister throwing his clothes in his face.

"Wake up, we're late." Seokmin jolts at her statement, immediately he gets dressed and rushes towards the bathroom.

On the way out his mother hands him a couple pieces of toast for him and his sister, by the time he had his shoes on his sister was down the street, walking ahead.

"Yah, wait up!" With his bag barely hanging on his shoulders he rushes to his sister, the last slice of bread mere inches away from her mouth. Hastily, he snatches the bread from her and starts to eat, Heeyun staring at his desperate state.

"Did you get your lunch?" Seokmin groans at realization and snickers, his hand scratching at the back of his neck. Sympathetic, she fished out for her wallet and hands him a 10000 won note, Seokmin shoving the money in his pants pocket.

"Thanks." The two continue to walk until they reach the bus stop, Heeyun swiping her student card before walking towards the back. Seokmin mirrors her actions and does the same, a majority of the ride spent talking about Seokmin's animation.

The bus stops a few blocks away from their school, Seokmin and Heeyun running down the sidewalk as they realize the time. Luckily, the two were able to slip past administration when they caught sight of the late kids standing in a line, one faculty member lecturing them on the importance of arriving on time.

"I'll see you after school, alright Heeyun?"

"I might hang out with Yoohyun later." Seokmin nods prior to the two parting ways, Seokmin watching as she enters her class. At ease, Seokmin heads to his class, he peers through the small window, the teacher busy looking through the textbook to notice. He enters class swiftly, his finger pressed to his lips when Lee Chan saw him. Nodding, Chan gives an 'okay', Chan requesting for the teacher's assistance. The teacher heads over to Chan to help him, this allowing Seokmin to head to his seat unnoticed.

"I thought you weren't going to show." Soonyoung mutters, their eyes still fixed on the teacher's movements.

"I know," Seokmin whispers back. "Heeyun and I overslept." The disturbance of the silent room caught the teacher's attention, her eyes looking in their direction.

"Lee Seokmin," She says, anxiety beginning to wash over him. "Have you always been there?" He nods, his voice sounding weak before clearing his throat.

"Ever since 7:20, ma'am."

Study hall comes around as the teacher steps out for a moment, kids beginning to chatter.

"Inhyung-ah," Seuncheol calls for her. He approaches her and places a small cartoon of milk and bread on her desk, Inhyung draped over her desk carelessly. She stares at the food before looking up at Seungcheol, his lips pressed together in contempt. "This is your favorite, right? The bread has red bean in it and I thought -"

"I'm not hungry," she cuts him off, his eyes brows knitted in confusion. She raises her head from off of the desk, her eyes scanning around the room. "Kim Mingyu." Mingyu stops mid conversation, he points at himself with a shocked expression. Inhyung nods, Wonwoo staring at him in disbelief. "Do you want this?" Mingyu shyly nods, Wonwoo pushing him towards her. She hands them to him, Mingyu bowing before going back to his seat. Seungcheol's mouth hung slightly agape when he saw her actions, Inhyung resting her head once more.

Mingyu opens the plastic wrapping, Wonwoo snagging a piece.

"For stealing one of Soonyoung's fish skewers from yesterday." Mingyu glares at Wonwoo, Wonwoo smiling with his mouth stuffed.

"Yah, give some here." Soonyoung pesters, Mingyu handing the bread. "Seokmin only ate a piece of toast for breakfast." Seokmin was too caught up with Inhyung, he watched as Seungcheol pulled his chair next to her, his hand rubbing circles onto her back as he talked. "Seokmin." Seokmin looks down at the bread and picks at small pieces, he turns to Soonyoung only to find his mouth full. Soonyoung's eyes squint when Seokmin looks at him, a small laugh leaving Soonyoung's lips. Seokmin laughs along, Seokmin's gaze drifting around the room, his gaze eventually landing on Inhyung.

"Do you think something happened to her?" Seokmin asks, Soonyoung's attention adverted to her.

"Maybe she's just tired." Soonyoung responds. Through the multiple conversations erupting around them he can still hear what Seungcheol was saying, Seokmin intrigued.

"Inhyung-ah? Are you alright?" Seungcheol asks as he moves a strand of hair out of her face. "You didn't pick up any of my calls yesterday."

"Just tired." Seungcheol nods, understanding. Although her answer was able to satisfy Seungcheol, Seokmin knew it wasn't her actual answer.

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