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The rest of the day Seokmin continued to think about Inhyung and the possibilities of her smiling at him. It wasn't until he was pulled from his thoughts when he nearly knocked Seungcheol's water bottle onto his papers, Seungcheol snickering at him. Seokmin bows apologetically, Seungcheol brushing him off. Meekly, Seokmin heads back towards his desk, Mingyu trying to contain his laughter.

"Are you alright, hyung?" Mingyu asked in between laughs, Wonwoo flicking Mingyu's forehead in hopes Mingyu will get the hint. Mingyu's laughter was cut off when the pain kicked in, Mingyu winching as he glared at Wonwoo. Seokmin took the opportunity and sat down, his head buried into the desk surface out of embarrassment. The class filled with chatter as kids waited for the teacher's arrival, a boy suddenly walking into the class.

"Alright class, I just got word that Teacher Han will be arriving a little late. So until further instructed please open your ethics textbook and begin reading pages 206-212."

"Seungkwan, you're in no position to tell us what to do." Seungcheol spoke up, Seungkwan's expressions shifting from contempt to irked. Seungkwan turns to Seungcheol and was mere seconds from giving his two cents prior to the teacher walking in, Teacher Han thanking Seungkwan before dismissing him. As he leaves, Seungcheol rests his hands along the back of his head, his feet propped on top on the desk.

"Who allowed that kid to be on class council anyway?" Seungkwan stopped dead in his tracks, his fists balled as he turned around to face Seungcheol, Seungkwan's jaw clenched. Before anyone said anything, Inhyung stepped in.

"Seungcheol, knock it off." She spoke, not even bothering to look at him. "You're not going to get anywhere in life with an attitude like that." The class 'oohed' as the tension grew, Teacher Han trying to calm everyone down as she requested for Seungkwan to step into the hall. Teacher Han quickly excused herself as she walked out of the classroom, she was most likely going to take care of Seungkwan. Seungcheol shrugged at Inhyung's response, he might not look like it, but his pride was hurt.

"Do you think they broke up?" Junhui, one of Seungcheol's friends muttered to his desk mate. Seokmin perked up at this, his worried look directed towards Soonyoung. Seokmin quickly mouthed, 'were they dating' in which Soonyoung responded with, 'I don't know'.

"I hope you two know how stupid you both look." Mingyu adds, the two looking up at him with disgust. Wonwoo took this as his cue to drag Mingyu back to their desks, Mingyu complaining how many times he's gotten hurt today alone. "What? They could've spoke to each other, Junhui's desk is all the way over there." Junhui sparks interest at the sound of his name, casually and effortlessly he strolls over towards Seokmin and Soonyoung's desk.

"I couldn't help but overhear my name," His eyes narrow at the two, some of the kids in the class listening in on the conversation while others decide if it's best to listen. Through the corner of Seokmin's eyes he can see Seungcheol looking at them, he must find amusement from their situation. "Well?"

"We were just talking about your wushu skills." Soonyoung blurts, Junhui cocking an eyebrow in surprise. "Yeah, they're really good. Especially the way you twirl that stick-thing, it's impressive." Seokmin mentally face palms as he hears Soonyoung's excuse, he was doing so well until he said 'stick-thing'.

"Alright?" Junhui's response came out more of a question than an actual response. He's still fazed by Soonyoung's answer as he heads back to his desk, Seokmin staring at Soonyoung in disbelief. As Soonyoung was about to speak, Teacher Han renters the class and begins the lesson, Seokmin exhaling as the situations quickly subsided.

"Stick-thing?" Seokmin mimicked, Soonyoung pushing Seokmin's shoulder. The two reminisce about class as they walk through the main entrance, Seokmin starting to go on about this one animation he's been watching lately. Soonyoung, who was very immersed in the conversation began doing some of the fighting moves done in the animation, kids passing by starting to stare. Realizing this, Seokmin stops him, the two straightening themselves out before continuing. They're nearly off school property when a pair of students catches their eye, Soonyoung dragging Seokmin behind a nearby tree. "Soonyoung, I hope you know they can still see us. As well as everyone else passing by."

"At least we're being discreet about it."

"Soonyoung, we're behind a tree."

"Shhh." Soonyoung points at Seungcheol and Inhyung, Seungcheol's hand pressed against the wall of the school as he leaned closer to Inhyung. Her books were held in her arms as she avoided his gaze, Seungcheol removing his hand and using it to guide her gaze to his. The two watched as Seungcheol began to lean closer to Inhyung, Inhyung pushes him away prior to saying her goodbyes. Nothing happened, but Seokmin started to feel his blood boil. Soonyoung was able to notice this, hastily he guided Seokmin off of school property and in the direction of town in hopes Seokmin's forming anger will subside.

The small bell to the ddeukbokki shop rang as the three entered, Soonyoung inviting Minghao along. They take their seats as Soonyoung starts to explain what ddeukbokki was to Minghao, Seokmin getting lost in his thoughts once more.

"It's similar to stinky tofu, ddeukbokki is a staple food in Korea the same way stinky tofu is in China." Minghao nods in acknowledgment as Soonyoung continues to explain, Seokmin's gaze drifting around the restaurant. His gaze lands on someone as he looks around, curiosity getting the best of him. His eyes widen at the sight in front of him, Soonyoung and Minghao too engrossed in their conversation to notice. Inhyung stood a couple feet away from them at a nearby table, she takes out a rag and begins to wipe the table down prior to the manager instructing her to complete her next task. She complies and does as told, beads of sweat dripping down the sides of her forehead. Seokmin continues to watch her as a new thought forms, his perspective of Inhyung different to how it was prior.

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