Namora's Thoughts

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  Namora's Pov

I followed them in so why am I lost and away from the? Away from finding and saving Sasuke?! His vision is just clouded by revenge?! Why cant he see, why.....?

Something warm fell on my cheeks, and I realized my eyes were burning with cry.

But I cant, if I do, I wont be able to help......

Instead of moving forward, my legs fell to hit the ground with a thud, a sat there in only my nightgown, unable to move.
Crying out, I sobbed and yelled at the world, I didn't want this to happen I wanted us to all be happy, to be able to feel loved, to be able to have the family I never had!!

I wanted to be happy with him!!


I looked at the store owner with no guilt, I had done nothing, and I'm sure didn't steal anything.

"Hurry up and give back the jewelry you little shit!!" the Store owner said.

I didn't steal, I came to see if they had anything Naruto would want for our birthday but everything was to pricey and I thought stealing was wrong so I didn't and went to leave, but the store owner came after me and grabbed my arm, to where I'm sure my wrist is sprained and bruised.

"I didn't steal anything!! I swear!! I was just looking!!" I yelled at him and he raised his arm and I cowered in fear of the normal abuse I got from strangers.

As I curled up in a ball a boy came out of nowhere and yelled out. "STOP!!!"

The man stopped.

"Well bye!" the boy said and giggled and took my hand and we ran as far as our little legs could.

I was only 6 after all. I looked at the boy running before me and watched as his black hair move with the wind of us running, when he looked back is when I knew I fell in love, I didn't know at the time but I did, his eyes were raven black but they sparkled like the night sky, and his smile made the world I once saw as a dull gray, and only gray, full of color.

And for the first time, I smiled back at someone who wasn't my brother.

Flashback End

I cried even harder at the memory, I was useless.

Sasuke's face popped in my mind in multiple ways, but mostly of him smiling at me, of him giving that look of love.

Finally I stood up and ran towards a destination. Anywhere would do

"I will always love you Namora."

"Namora its cause i love you."

"Dont worry, the fangirls can never steal what you've got."

After asking what he meant I stole, he made me fall deeper. That stolen thing being.

"My heart."

With everything I remembered my heart swelled and my running became faster.

I suddenly bumped into someone with blue skin and gills. A red cloud cloak was on him and I recognized what Kou had said that Itachi had wore.

I got into a fighting stance and calculated all the moves i could do to him.

"Wait!" he said and i stopped and waited for him to continue. "Your Namora right??" he asked.

"Possibly what's it to you?" I asked in my rarely serious moods.

"Itachi wanted to meet you, he told me to tell you if I got the chance." he said with a shrug.

"What why?" I asked

"I'm not sure you'll haft to ask him." He says with a shrug.

"Anyway Sasuke is that way." He says says pointing at a direction where Namora looked.

"How-" she starts and turned around only to see him gone, but she didn't mind and went in the direction said.

But she wasn't prepared for what she saw, she would always react the same to this.

To Sasuke, someone who looked like him.  

A Naruto Retelling Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora