The Forest of Death!!!

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  Every single ninja that had passed the ninja exams were at the forest of death waiting for Anko to come and tell them what to do.

Team 13 and 7 were together with Ino's and Kibas teams as well.

All the rookies together.

Namora was under a tree loving the breeze as she sat with everyone else. Sakura and Ino were talking together with Ryuu holding Ino in his arms. Sasuke and Naruto were arguing again. Kou and Kiba, with their dogs, Akumaru and Yuzuki, going over supplies and of course they were sneaking little make out sessions within it. Namora of course still under the tree as said before was smiling at all her friends.
Until Namora sweat drops at a box in the grass that had a rock pattern on them.

Naruto seemed to notice it as well as he had stopped arguing with Sasuke and sweatdropped. And so did everyone else.

"Ugh, Konahamaru what are you doing?" Naruto asked as he looked at the box that suddenly stopped when he talked.

Then out of the blue It exploded upwards in a bunch of different colors of smoke and in the middle of it all were three little kids coughing their lungs out at the smoke.

There stood Konahamaru, Moegi and Udon.

They were apparently in a newspaper club and they wanted to interview them.

So of course Naruto agreed.

The Baka.

***okay im only going to do team 13 guys, cause if I don't then this chapter will end in alot of words haha-Neko***


"So, uh your Sasuke's little sister right?" Udon asks pen and paper at the ready.

"Yes, he's my older brother by a few minutes." Kou says sitting next to Udon. Kiba was sitting on a tree and noticed, he used his Inuzuka hearing to listen to the conversation.

​​​​​​"So you're dating Kiba Inuzuka?" Udon asks a slight blush on his cheeks.

Kiba notices the blush and jumps quietly behind Kou and hugs her from behind.

"Yes and he's protective so don't try anything." Kou says playfully making Kiba smirk and scaring Udon a bit.

"I won't hurt you kid, so don't worry." Kiba says picking Kou up and putting her on his lap.

"So where did you get you're dog from?" Undo asks petting Yuzuki, who was with Akamaru.

"My dad gave her to me before everything that happened." Kou says and Udon could tell she was getting sad.

​​​​​​"I'll end the interview there" he says getting up and waiting for the rest of his team to finish their interviews.


"Your Sakura Harano's big brother right?" Moegi asks batting her eyelashes.

Ryuu scratches the back of his head and smiles at the girl who was definitely flirting with him, Or at least trying to. "Yes I am."
"So your smart too?" she asks making her eyes more innocent and big.

Ryuu laughs nervously. "Yes I am. We were always the first ones to get done with Sasuke."

"Hmmm, are you..... Perhaps single?"

Ryuu went white as a sheet.
"Um, no I am not, my girlfriend is the leader of her team. Team 10. Ino Yamanaka."

Moegi turns a shade red and huffs away. All the while Ryuu just laughs nervously and rubs his neck.

A Naruto Retelling Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum