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  Kou was back in Konoha and Kiba wouldn't leave her room until she woke up. Namora and Ryuu would visit once in a while but they u training so they could fight if need be. Yuzuki and Akamaru were allowed to be in the hospital room cuz their family.

Namora came in with the usual lilies that she got for Kou as she did everytime she could get them from Ino's shop. She put them in the vase and patted Kiba softly and gave him his lunch. "Thanks, do you think she'll wake up?" Kiba asks looking at his unconscious girlfriend.

"Of course she will, she's Kou." Namora says happily. But there was that hint of sadness. "Who did it?" Kiba asks looking at Namora, his sadness mixed with anger. "Her older brother, he threw her into a wall. That's as much as I know...." Namora says. "Now eat, you need it." she says motioning at the boxed lunch she had made for him.

"I will later" Kiba says looking back at Kou's sleeping face. Namora put on a scary face as she stood and started tapping Her foot. "Kiiibaaaa~~" she says in a eerie voice. "I'm not scared of you" Kiba says not looking at her. "Then look at me." she says angered.

"Namora, I'm not in the mood" Kiba says still not looking at her.
Namora growls. "You haven't been in the mood for two weeks now... You haven't eaten much either.... Kou wouldn't like that so you better eat before you're in the bed next to her in this room!!" Namora yells all serious."Fine" Kiba says finally eating after a few days of not.

Namora sighs. "Finally my cooking is going to some use." she says as she watches him eat her food she worked hard on just for him. It was all his favorites. Kiba finished eating and he pet Akakmaru, who came over when he was eating. Namora smiles on victory and takes the lunch box. "You get some rest Kiba, she'll be fine she's strong." Namora says and smiles gently as she hugs him and runs out the door to go train with Ryuu.

Kiba goes over and lays on the couch near Kou's bed, he lays down and drofts off to sleep.

All of a sudden,Kou jolts awake and looks over at Kiba. Kiba screamed like a girl, making Akamaru sweatdrop."How did I get here?" Kou says leaning back on the bed.

"You got hurt and I guess Naruto brought you back, I wasnt really paying attention I was to worried about you." he said with a blush and a nervous smile. "Well I'm glad you were" Kou says smiling at him.

Kiba sighed and stood and hugged her careful in case she was hurt somewhere."Did anyone tell you what happened?" Kou asks. "No I guess not." he said.

"Yes." he says.

"Sasuke left to go help Naruto and I went with him to make sure he didn't kill anyone. When we got there, we saw someone we thought we'd never see again.... our brother. We fought and I ended up getting held back by Itachi and he threw me against a wall, that's all I remember" she says looking at him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." he said his face crumbling.

"It's fine, it was a family thing" she says hugging him. "It's fine, it was a family thing" she says hugging him.

"Yeah, I still wish I was there though. Haha." he says and kisses her forehead. "You would've gotten hurt as well, there's something Itachi can do that literally makes you unconscious and not able to wake up" Kou says.

"Like,how Sasuke and Kakashi are right now?" he says looking at her seriously. "Yea, they took Sasuke to someone to get him out of it" Kou says, she heard them talking when she was passed out.

"That's good, Namora was pretty worried." he said truthfully. "I bet she was" Kou says chuckling.

"Yea, she was worried about me not eating so she watched me eat it all, if I didn't shed-i don't know what she'd do I just did it. She's had the aura of my mother when she was angry." he chucworried.

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