Meeting the team

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Namora was really upset when Naruto came in, he was yelled at and he called out on her for the fact that nobody loved her, not even him.  It was really low even for him. He regretted it straight after he saw the tears in her eyes. She ran to her room and was the first to wake up and be at the school her eyes lifeless, and today was the day for the picking of teams. 

"Hey, Namora." Kou said when she saw her. She turned and put on a mask, a mask of her smiling. "Oh hi Kou!"

"Namora, I know your sad I can tell, Sasuke does that all the time." She says and looks to her brother. Namora looks at her brother Naruto who was sitting by Sakura talking like everything was fine. 

Her heart dropped, nothing was fine. 

"Kou,  we're.  .  . We're friends right?" She asks hesitantly.

"Yea, why wouldn't we be?" She says and Yuzuki barks and wags her tail happily. Namora smiles and hugs her. Kou hugs back and Yuzuki leaps on Namora's head.

Iruka announced the teams, and Sakura, Naruto and sasuke was on team 7.

"Namora Uzamaki, Kou Uchiha, and Ryuu Harano. Your on the team, of the lucky number 13." he said.

Namora smiles at Kou. 

Kou and Namora see Ryuu stand up and make his way over to them."Well we are on a team together, so we should sit together." Kou said when he got there.

"Yep, let's go get ice cream afterwards when we meet our new sensei!!" Said an overexcited Namora who was still healing from the verbal abuse her brother gave.

"Namora, do you want me to talk to him?" Kou asked looking over at Sasuke and Naruto.

"Huh,  talk to who?" she gave a closed eyed smile. Before she could answer her, she was interuppted once again by the door slamming and every head was turned towards a woman with silver white hair walk in and straight towards the team 13.

"Izara!! Your not supposed to be here till after lunch!!" The sensei yelled at her.

"Oh shut up Iruka I'm just taking them out for dinner,  well lunch then so then i can get to know them, they are my students now." The woman Izara said. 

"Your Izara-sensei." Kou said.

"Yep in the fleshy." she said with a smile.

"Fleshy?" Namora asks.

"It means in the flesh like in person." Ryuu said.

"You got it son.  So who wants ice cream?" She says and claps her hands together.

"Yaaay!!" Namora yells as they exit the other kids staring in awe.

"So who's this cutie." Izara-sensei says and pets Yuzuki who is on Kou's head.

"That's Yuzuki, she is cute huh?" Says Namora as she skips ahead not noticing the glares people gave her. Or well she ignored them.

"Yea Yuzuki is my best friend." Kou says and glares at the people who glared at Namora.

Namora waits outside the parlor for her teamates she smiled at them, her smile bright. Kou and Ryuu smile back at her. Kou had told Ryuu what happened with Naruto. Namora got vanilla, and Ryuu got strawberry. Izara got cookies and cream. And Kuo got cookie dough.

"So, where are you wearing your ninja bands." Izara asks.

"I'm wearing mine on my waist!!" Namora says.

"I'm wearing mine on my arm." Kou says.

"I'm wearing mine on my head." Ryuu says.

"Good good." Izara said. They finish their ice-cream, pay and leave.

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