Everything's OK, For Now

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  A week has passed and things seem to be normal, at least as normal as possible.

Namora was smiling as she dragged Sasuke through town shopping for Kakashi a present for recovery, Kou and Kiba behind them laughing at something they were talking about with each other.

"It's funny how with those two Namora is mostly in charge" Kou says looking at her brother and Namora. Kiba chuckled. "Namora is a bundle of surprises like Naruto is." He says with a smile. "Everyone can be full of surprises" Kou says smiling.

"I know that, but those Uzamaki's haft to be filled with them. Though there is you as well, Kou." He says cheekly. "Uzumaki's and Uchiha's are full of surprises" Kou says chuckling. "Yes, yes they are." He says and kisses her forehead.

"How bout we get him more Icha stuff whatev-" Namora started as she stared at books but was interrupted by Sasuke.

"No!" He says in a hurry."Namora, he doesn't need anymore of that" Kou says. "What do you mean? Everyone needs more books! You learn more!" She says and picks up a book and opens to the first page and her eyes widen and her face starts turning red, she made incoherent sounds and her hands shook as she continued to read the first page.

Sasuke and Kou both grabbed the book from her and put it back on the shelf.

"Da-Whaaaaaa?!" She says after she snaps back. "Why would anyone read that!" She yelled her face still as red as a cherry.

Kiba started laughing at what just happened and kept doing so. "No one knows why Kakashi reads those" Sasuke says. "Maybe it's cause he knows he'll never get some!" Kiba yells and laughs some more.

"Man, you're such a guy" Kou says rolling her eyes. Kiba chuckled and snaked his arms around her. "Would you prefer me be a girl then?" He says a cheeky smile on. Kou smiles and punches his arm, laughing when he rubbed it.

"So is that a yes or a no Kou, I'm really confused." Namora says.

Kiba started laughing harder. "Yea, Kou tell us your answer"I wouldn't mind if you were a girl" Kou says smirking. Kiba stops laughing and looks at her with a sweatdrop. "Really?"

Kou laughs, "I can't believe you believed me" she says still laughing. Kiba frowns. "That wasn't nice." He said.

Namora and Sasuke were laughing their butts off in the background. "It was more me" Kou says still laughing. Kiba just pouts at them, when all of a sudden Namora shouts out in glee and runs off. The others follow the blond teen running somewhere.

Namora stops in front off a pet shop and then hurries inside. "Oh no" Sasuke says as they enter. Namora was looking at a specific all black baby fox that was way over her price range.

"Namora, can you actually pay for an animal?" Kiba asks.Namora goes to a emo corner. "No, I just like coming to see this furry litter guy when I can, the shop keeper isn't really nice to me and Naruto, he had always kicked us out, so I sneak in until I get caught, hahaha, anyway let's go get Kakashi something." She says with her smile.

"Hey uh, boys, can I talk to you in private" Kou asks them. Namora looks at them as the boys go over and talk, she was as confused as ever."Let's get her the fox she was looking at" Kou says smiling at the boys.

Kiba agrees with the plan, so does Sasuke. Then they see Namora run past and out the shop, the shop keeper was running after her all the way until she was out. "Then it's settled" Kou says as they go over to Namora.  

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