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Kou got up and walked out of her room and looked for Yuzuki. "Hey Yuzuki, where are you?" She says looking up and on top of everything. "Sasuke,have you seen my dog." She asks her brother.

Sasuke peaks his head out his door and looks at his sister. "No I haven't why?" he asks.

She sits up cause she was looking under the couch. "I cant find her, she never leaves the house without me." She said.

"Maybe she's on a date with Akamaru?" Sasuke joked as he went into the kitchen to start cooking.

Kou laughs. "Funny Sasuke, I'm gonna go ask Kiba if he's seen her." She says then gets dressed and leaves after waving at Sasuke who was now cooking himself something to eat.

"Alright!" He calls out.

Kou runs to find Kiba and sees the familiar Inuzuka playing with Akamaru. "Hey, Kiba! Have you seen Yuzuki?" She asks walking up to him.

"No I haven't. Is she missing?" He asks having stopped playing with Akamaru.

"Yea, I cant find her anywhere. Want to help me look?" She asks.

"Abso-yeah sure." He says blushing a bit as he rubbed the back of his head.

(He's very Occ in this book as I've seen but that's so he can fit a bit more I guess.....idk)

"Alright, come on." She says and runs off.

Kiba smiles and follows her. Akamaru happily came along on his head.

Kou ran to Namora's house and knocked on the door. "Hey Namora? Is Yuzuki in there wit you?" She asks.

"Bwhaha! Ye-Yeah!" They heard the laughing of a Namora behind the door.

Kou walks in and sees Yuzuki. "Yuzuki, why did you run off?" She asked.

Namora was laughing so hard as the dog licked her over and over on the floor, Yuzuki only glanced up at her name to see Kou and stops and whines in front of her.

Yuzuki barks since Kou can understand her. "Well you could've at least told Sasuke where you were going." Kou says.

Akamaru jumps off Kiba's head and starts talking to Yuzuki in dog talk.

"Kou, Sorry if I kept Yuzuki, she came over and we sorta got to talking and I told her bout Naruto so she started licking me." Namora says.

"Its fine, I was just worried about her." She says putting her arm around Kiba's shoulder.

Kiba blushed at her contact and Yuzuki noticed and started barking at him in warning. "Good, you guys want anything to drink. It is a hot day, today, so iced tea?" Namora asks kindly, being the kind host she is.

Kou looks at Yuzuki and saw she was barking at Kiba. She saw that Kiba was blushing and took her arm off him. "I'm fine Namora, I don't get thirsty that easily." She says and picks up Yuzuki.

"Aww come on, how bout these cookies I made?" She says and blushes a bit as she shows them the cookies that looked all sparkly when she showed them the sugar cookies. To be honest she just wanted them for some company.

"Sure, I'll have one." Kou says.

"Yay!!" She hands them a cookie and they sit at the four chaired table. she set the plate of cookies on the table as well.

Kiba can't stop glancing at Kou for some reason. 

"Hey, Kiba how's training going?" Kou asks.

"So far so good. You?" he asked her. 

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