The Forest Bites

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As the creepy looking guy goes towards Namora, we zoom in on Sakura as she tries her best to carry Sasuke and Naruto to safety.

She finds a Tree with the roots above, making a somewhat safe sanctuary for the time being. She made traps, and kept her guard up, and tended to the two injured boys, who were out cold for the time being. 

She heard rustling and took out a kunai, ready for anything her mind thought of, hoping it was anything but what she thought of. She stood up and looked at the shrubs, her jade eyes scanning them for anything out of the ordinary. 


She jumped up with a squeal of fright. Her pink hair whipped around with her as she went to look at who said her name, she sighed in relief as she found it was only her Twin brother Ryuu, who had an injured Akamaru in his arms.

"Ryuu, you scared me for a second-Wait are you really Ryuu??" Sakura pointed her Kunai at him, waiting for a reply.

"Sakura Jade Harano, don't you dare point that kunai at me or I'm telling Ino the story, of a certain bath time!" Ryuu said aggravated at his Sister, but he understood her.

Sakura quickly put her kunai away and giggled nervously. "So what you doing?" she asked.

"Well, I'm leaving Akamaru here so I can bring Hinata and the rest back over here, since she's hurt and I'm was still trying to find you and all." He explained and put the puppy down as he saw Sasuke and Naruto under the tree roots.

"Alright." Sakura said with a nod and checked on the boys, including Akamaru as Ryuu left to get the other four.


Ryuu came back with, Hinata, and a barely awake Shino.

With that, he put them in the roots and waited for Kou. Soon Kou Came with Kiba and they all were tended too, and once they were okay they left to continue with their test. The very Deadly test.

"No Namora?" Kou asks as she looked around.

"No, she has to be somewhere around here and okay...." Ryuu says worriedly his green eyes literally showing it with the wideness.

"I'll go look for her, you stay here to tend to the two with Sakura and take turns getting what each needs, like water or herbs, food too. I'll try to be back quickly." Kou says standing up and stretching outside.

"Alright, but you better be safe." Ryuu says with a stern look.

Kou smiled. "I will."

With that, she was off and looking for the little innocent ninja that they loved.


Namora tried to back away from the creepy dude, he was really pale with long black hair, and his smile was not helping Namora feel, sensible or calm.

"Don't worry, I don't bite . . . . . often. I like your strong chakra, and aura is all." he said and circled around her.

"Sure, who are you?" Namora asks as she stands shakily, her back definitely bruised badly, maybe even broken, but that could also be her ribs that hurt so much.

"My, My, straight to business. I'm Orichimaru." He said and started coming closer.

"Stay right there!" Namora said as she moved back and had a Kunai in hand.

"Hehehe, what is yours my dear?" he asked, his tongue licking his chapped looking lips. 

"Namora, Namora Uzamaki, now what do you want?" she asked as she kept stepping back keeping an appropriate ninja space away from Orichimaru.

"You seem like a good underling." he says and a huge snake curls around them and traps Namora in without any escape.

Namora now feeling like a trapped rabbit stayed close to the snake, but the snake moved to close the space that was already tiny enough for her.

"Whats going on?!?!?" Namora yelled as she was now in front of the man, he just snickered and without a word for a reply or for what he was about to do, he grabbed her around her waist making sure her kunai was gone and bit her on her neck, putting his curse mark on her.

Namora screamed in pain, which alerted Kou to run faster in the direction it came from.

Namora panted in pain as she felt the evil dark come and start to enter but it stopped and started to fade.

"Hmmm, that isn't right." he said and grabbed her weak body, and bit in the same place giving it more then regular bite, and more of his curse. 

Soon he had a limp Namora in his arms who now has a fever as high as the sky.  

He set her down and left, or at least tried to for Kou stepped in front of him Kunai raised in a threatening manner.

"The Hell did you do to her?" she growled out, Yuzuki on her shoulder growling as well.

"Another Uchiha?" he laughs. "The same thing as I did to your brother." 

"Why you!!" She went to attack but he dodged and laughed, then crouched down next to Namora.

"Goodbye, we'll see each other soon, you have something that's very rare that I'd love to have." He said and gently touched her cheek.

 Kou feeling creeped out went to kill the man but again he eluded her and wasn't seen again, only heard as a deep dark creepy chuckle in the forest around them.

Kou growled at that, Yuzuki just nudged her to look at Namora, in which she did and saw her in pain. She picked her up and could feel the heat radiating off her in waves.

She quickly leaped off with Namora in her arms and to the rest of the group and once she got there she saw a mess, Ryuu was hurt and with blood coming out of his ears as were Lee's, Sakura's hair was short and Choji, Shika and Ino occupied with other nins. Sasuke with dark marks all over his body and aura. A guys arm off and on the ground.

Kou put Namora down and then, went to stop Sasuke from doing anything else to the man.

She hugged him from behind and he calmed down enough for the injured nin to run away. 

Ino's team left after a hair cut for Sakura and some healing from Ryuu and Tenten came to get Lee so they could leave, again leaving the 6 alone, at least Ino helped fix Sakuras hair, and Naruto waking up like the idiot he was.

Kou got Namora and set her down leaving Ryuu to do his thing with Sakura. 

"What happened to her?" Sasuke asked pissed at seeing her in the same state as Naruto.

"Orichmaru." Was all she said simply.

Sasuke growled and sighed as he sat down ready to hear what happened as he was out.


Done with story telling they leave to find the tower and the scrolls they needed.

With someone extra, Namora still out could.

Kaboto helped them and they helped him.

Soon they were at the tower and went they're separate ways. Team 13 went into a room with their scrolls and were deciding if they should open them or not.

But Team 7 just opened both and had Iruka sensei come and bring them back.

"We should just open them." said a sleepy Namora. "At the same time."

"Lets just do it." Kou says grabbing one and was stopped by Ryuu.

"Your kidding right?" he said with a raised brow at her and the scroll in her hands.

"Yes, now come on Namora isn't well." Kou replied.

They then opened the scrolls at the same time to have Izara pop up eating pocky.

"uhh..." the two who opened the scroll said.

"Oh, hey! You guys passed!!" she said and poofed them to the Hokage tower where they received news of the preliminary rounds.

And in which they groaned and went home to sleep and wait for tomorrow.

For it held many things.

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