Chapter 31: Date Night

Start from the beginning

You text her back and tell Lena the news. You get up and take a shower while Lena looks for a restaurant. When you get out wearing a nice shirt and pants, Lena is packing up (d/n)'s things for Krista's.

"Can you finish packing? I gotta get ready." She asks, handing you (d/n)'s pacifier and some other things. You nod and Lena rushes to the closet and bathroom to get ready. You finish up packing and place (d/n) in her baby carrier. You play with (d/n) while you are waiting for Lena, tickling her and doing some other things she finds funny.

After about 15 minutes, Lena enters the room and is wearing some nice black clothes and is carrying some winter clothes in her arm. It was cold in New York, after all.

"So, where are we going?" You ask.

"I was thinking some Italian place. Kinda in the mood for some Spaghetti Bolognese." She says.

You nod and deliver (d/n) to Krista's place. She has McCree over with her, probably for some extra help. You tell Krista what to do and she assures you everything will be fine. She hugs you goodbye and you head to the garage. Lena's waiting in the Lamborghini doing a bit of touch up on her face.

You fly to the restaurant and after 30 minutes get a table. The restaurant is actually pretty nice, with nice tablecloths, crystal clear wine glasses, and decor that felt like you were in Italy.

After you order and the wine arrives, Lena gets a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

"I forgot to tell Krista what temperature to heat (d/n)'s bottle to. Hold on. Let me text her." She says.

"Lena." You grab her arm and she stops and looks at you. "Everything will be fine. We came here to relax. Now put your phone back."

She does so. "Now take a sip of wine."

She grabs her glass and sips it. Her face becomes more relaxed. "Better?"

She nods. "Thanks. It's just...I'm stressing out a bit over this. Don't get me wrong. I love (d/n) and I'm happy we're her parents, but I don't know if I'm doing it right. Am I a good mother?" She asks.

"Lena, you're doing amazing. You're the perfect mother. No, I'm not just saying that. I truly believe you're doing great. Now, I want you to clear your mind of your worries and let's just have a nice night out. Just the two of us." You say.

Tears begin to form in Lena's eyes as she kisses you. "Thank you (y/n). You're right. I shouldn't be stressing over this. This night will be great."

You two clink your glasses and sip your wine. The food arrives some time later and it tastes great. She did a good job picking the place. Then again, it is easy to look at yelp.

After you two finish the meal and pay the expensive check (okay it wasn't that expensive, but it sure wasn't cheap either), you two head to Rockefeller Center to go ice skating. You two rent skates and start to head out on the ice.

You go on first and Lena goes on next, struggling. She moves her arms and her legs to try and keep steady. You can't help but laugh at her struggle.

"Stop laughing! It's not funny! Woah!" She says and falls on her butt.

You skate over to her and help her up, laughing at her misfortune.

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