Chapter 29: Welcome to the World

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(A/n) DISCLAIMER: This chapter deals with the birth of a baby. Now as you can probably guess, I've had to do a bit of googling to make things accurate, but not too detailed. I really just simplified the process A LOT. I wanted the story to be like you're actually going through the process. If you don't want to go through this, then I'll put a notification to signify that it's done. 🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉🍉it'll be these watermelon because why not? Also, since you guys gave me such great names, I'm going to do (d/n) as daughter name because I can't choose just one. Okay. That's enough talking right now. I'll shut up.

"Are you serious?" You ask, smiling.

Lena nods. Her beautiful smile can't get any bigger.

"Well shit. Get in the car! Come on let's go!" You say putting an arm around Lena and fast walking with her to the garage.

You are walking down the halls as fast as you can with Lena trying to keep up, her contractions slowing you down.

"Should I carry you?" You ask and she nods, making you stop and carry her bridal style.

Krista walks by you guys. "What's going on?" She asks.

"Baby's on its way. Tell you more later." You say quickly.

Krista gasps and starts trying to help you guys, clearing the way to the garage. You get there and sit Lena in the passenger seat gently of your GT-R.

"Deep breaths Lena. Deep breaths." You say as you run to the driver's seat. "I'll call you when we're ready Krista."

Krista nods and opens the garage door. "Good luck!"

You back out and speed away. You tell Daisy to call Mercy. She does so and the Swiss doctor picks up.

"This is Dr. Ziegler. What's the trouble?" Angela says.

"Angela it's happening! What do I do? Where are you? Where do I go?" You say in quick succession.

Angela laughs. "Calm down (y/n). Everything will be fine. I'm at a hospital in Toronto, Canada right now. See me there. I'll ask Lena questions when you arrive."

"See you soon" you say and hang up. You hold Lena's hand as you prepare for the teleport to Toronto, leaving the flaming tracks behind you.

You get there and you see Angela outside waiting for you. You get out and rush to Lena's door and help her out. You walk with her to Angela, who's smiling.

"Where do we go? What's happening? Will she be alright?" You ask quickly again. Clearly you had no idea what was going on.

Angela laughs again. "Relax. Everything is going to be fine. You actually arrived fairly early given the circumstances. Don't stress about it."

Angela leads you into the Hospital and into a room where Lena lies down on the bed. Angela does a couple of things on a computer and a white robot walks next to her, checking on Lena. You stand there and watch this whole thing.

"Angela will she be alright?" You ask.

"She'll be perfectly fine. If the contractions are okay and the baby's heart is beating, we've got nothing to worry about. It may take a while before the baby comes out, maybe several hours. Just sit tight and we'll get through this soon enough. Don't over stress this, (y/n)."

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