"Oh my word, the poor girl," he gasped.

"She's been having tests all morning but they've just confirmed that she's lost the baby."

"I knew there was more to those pains."

"I should have guessed when she started bleeding," I sighed.

"I'm sorry Son, I don't know what to say," he mumbled.

"It's shock isn't it? I can't believe it either."

"Did you know she was pregnant?"

"No, neither of us did," I replied.

"I take you would have been the father?"

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

"Kayleigh has slept with Charlie since he's been back."

"Right," he frowned.

"It's not as bad as it seems Dad."

"It's none of my business Aston, as long as you know what you're doing."

"It's fine, there's no problems."

"So, what's Kayleigh doing now?" he asked.

"Hopefully sleeping."

"She's going to need lots of rest after what her body's been through."

"I'll make sure she doesn't lift a finger," I nodded.

"Well you know you're both welcome at ours until you get yourselves sorted."

"Thank you," I smiled.

I looked around the room watching the doctors scoot down the corridors in a rush to get to their next patient, your agitated waiting to be seen but you don't realise how busy they are until you sit back. I looked at my watch counting how many minutes I've been gone.

"Go on, go back to her so you're there for when she wakes up," Dad said.

"I better had actually, times getting on."

"I'll head home now and fill your Mother in. I think she's planning on coming up this afternoon though."

"She doesn't need to do that, you should stay at home and get some sleep yourself too."

"She insisted, you know what she's like," he shrugged.

"Hmm, well I think visiting hours are just before lunch."

"Yeah, I've spoken to someone on the desk."

"I suppose we'll find out when we can go home when the doctor comes around, I'm hoping it's not too long," I sighed.

"Let us know and we'll arrange to pick you up, you don't want to pay these rip off taxi fares."

"Cheers Dad."

I walked outside with Dad to the main entrance to say goodbye and watched as he made his way back to the car, I've now got to find a way to contact Kayleigh's parents. I wandered back inside to reception being greeted by a tall, mature woman.

"Good morning, can I help?"

"Hiya, I was hoping you could get in contact with my girlfriends parents. I haven't got the number though I'm afraid," I replied.

"Okay, well if I can take your girlfriends name?"

"It's Kayleigh Davies."

"Ah yes, is there a specific message?"

"Kayleigh would just like them to know whats happened and reassure them that she's okay, we will contact them ourselves to explain properly when we get home."

"I'll see what I can do for you."

"Thanks a lot, I appreciate it."

"Not a problem."

I made my way back to Kayleigh relived that that's sorted, I know she would hate for her parents to be the last to know. Looking through the window of her room I noticed the doctor standing my her bed deep in conversation.

"Hey," she smiled.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time," I replied rushing over.

"That's okay, the doctors not been here long."

"Good morning," he nodded.

"Morning Doctor."

"I've just been explaining to your girlfriend what happens next now the miscarriage has been diagnosed."

"Oh right, okay."

"Luckily there's just a small amount of tissue left in the womb so we're happy to let that pass naturally without any medication or treatment."

"Is it as simple as that?" I asked.

"It is, however if the tissue hasn't passed within a week or two we would like to do another scan."

"How will I know for sure?" Kayleigh asked.

"Pain and blood loss is a good sign, in your case it shouldn't be too long before the miscarriage ends."

"Okay," she nodded.

"I need you to rest as much as possible, your body needs time to recover properly. I know that's not what you always want to here but it's very important."

"I'll make sure of that," I smiled.

"Do you have any questions?"

"When can I go home?" she asked.

"I don't see a problem in you going home this afternoon."

"That's great."

"As long as you take good care of yourself it should be fine."

"Thank you, I will," she promised just before he left.

"Thanks Doctor," I smiled.

I pulled a chair closer to her bed and sat down.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked picking up her hand.

"Only fifteen minutes or so, the doctor woke me."

"I was hoping to be back by then."

"It doesn't matter. Has your Dad gone home?" she asked.

"Yeah, Mum insisted on coming back later though."

"There's no need."

"Dad tried to tell her babe but she can be so stubborn."

"I suppose she's already seen me at my worst," she shrugged.

"I'm sure she'll bring you some fresh clothes to change into, you can have a nice hot bath when we get home."

"I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."

"You won't be," I smiled.

"Oh, did you contact my parents?" she asked.

"I've asked reception to."

"Thank you."

"You can speak to them yourself later though, it might be better for them to hear it from you."

"Yeah, I'm not really looking forward to that conversation."

"It will be fine," I reassured. "Mum's always understand."


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