I don't know a lot about racing, not anymore at least, but FP3 was pretty interesting. I have to admit, I missed being at the race track. When Daniel still lived in Australia, I came along to his races all the time, but ever since he left, I haven't been to a single race.

Just before free practice ends, I make my way to the room I'll be interviewing Daniel. Now that the moment is getting closer and closer, I start to get nervous. I set up my laptop and make sure everything is ready when Daniel arrives. After what feels like forever, his PR comes into the room.

"Sorry for the wait, Daniel should be here any moment. He's just getting changed and freshening up a bit after FP3," she tells me with a smile.

"That's okay, I'm not in a rush."

"Great! I'll just send him here as soon as he's done. You'll be fine here?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Great, good luck with the interview!" Daniel's PR says before disappearing out of the room, leaving me alone again. Knowing that Daniel is on his way makes a wave of nerves wash over me. This is the moment. After more than 10 years, I'll finally see him again.

Daniel's POV

"Alright Daniel, you have an interview upstairs in one of the rooms. Just go up there when you're ready, the reporter is already there," Alice, my PR, tells me.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know. What kind of interview will it be?"

"The reporter is from an Australian magazine. It's not just a sports or racing magazine, so the questions will be about racing but also general things."

"Did you tell the reporter not to ask questions about Jemma?"

"No, I didn't, but it didn't seem like that kind of magazine."

"I'm counting on that Alice!" I call after my PR as she walks away from me. She just shakes her head and doesn't respond to my comment. I quickly get changed and make sure I look decent before I head up to the interview. I knock on the door but don't wait for a response before I walk in.

"Hey, is this where I'm supposed to be?" I ask the reporter, who looks up. Wow, she looks familiar.

"Yeah, it is," she tells me with a smile.

"Great! Nice to meet you, I'm Daniel," I say as I hold out my hand for her to shake. For a second, her smile drops and she looks disappointed, but she quickly recovers and shakes my hand.

"I'm Ella, nice to meet you as well," she tells me before both of us sit down.

"So you're an Aussie huh?"

"Yes, I am. Is it that obvious?"

"No Alice told me."

"Alice?" Ella asks, looking confused. Classic Alice, didn't introduce herself to my interviewer.

"My PR."

"Oh okay. Yeah, she came in her a little while ago."

"Sorry to make you wait by the way."

"That's okay. Like I said, I'm not in a rush."

"Oh really, when are you leaving?"

"Monday morning."

"You're staying for the race?"

"I am."

"That's nice! It's supposed to be a good one, with the championship battle and all," I say, making Ella chuckle. I'm surprised at how easily we talk to each other, which is something I've never had during an interview, not like this anyway.

"Let's hope so. I've never been to a race before, so I'm looking forward to it."

"Well, I hope you have a good time."

"Thank you," Ella tells me with a smile, "let's start with the interview, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

"How was the interview?" Alice asks we're making our way back to the garage.

"It was nice! Ella, the reporter, was really nice and we got along great. It was one of the nicest interviews I've ever had actually," I say as I think back to the interview that just ended. The questions Ella asked were pretty good and she didn't ask any questions that crossed the line, which is always nice.

"That's good to hear. So if they ask for an interview again, I can say yes?"


"Great! It's always good to have some good connections. Anyway, until Qualifying you don't have any interviews or something like that, so just enjoy yourself until then. After Qualifying, we have the usual interviews and after that, you're free as well!" Alice tells me as we reach the garage.


"So, see you after Qualifying?"

"See you then!" I say before Alice walks off, leaving me alone for a few moments, until Femke, my engineer, comes to talk about strategies for qualifying. I sit down and think back to the interview. Ella was so nice and we got along great! It felt really familiar with her, which was nice as it made it easier to talk to each other. She looked beautiful as well, which is also something you don't see every day with reporters. As I'm in deep thought, Femke comes into the garage, making me forget about Ella. For now at least.

And that's chapter 2!! Did you like it? What did you think about Daniel not recognizing Violet? What about the way Violet reacted to that, did you understand it? Would you have done something else? Tell me all your thoughts in the comments! Also, don't forget to vote for this chapter!!

Love Evy
Instagram: readracewrite

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