Start from the beginning

"You freak! Let me go right now! I should-" Her sentence was cut off when I grab her shoulder.

"Let's take a walk inside your mind. Shall we?" As I enter into her mind, Brody's panicked voice can be heard in the distance, telling me to stop. I ignore him however and continue on.

'Get out of my head!' A voice echoes through.

"No." I answer simply. I'm surprised that she knows what I'm doing. No one should be able to know that I'm in their minds. When I'm fully in her mind, I can see all of her thoughts. All of them are of Scott. Well, all except one. I walk over to it and see that the thought window has been forcefully removed from her memory. It is showing nothing but static.

"Huh. I wonder what happened here." I take a closer look and then tap it a couple of times. The screen suddenly snaps on. I couldn't help but watch.

"WHAT THE HELL, SCOTT?! DO YOU CARE ABOUT HIM MORE THAN ME?!" Samantha screams furiously.

"NO! I-I...don't...maybe... I don't know... he's my best friend. Of course I would care about him a lot." He mumbles.

"Why do you care about him more than your girlfriend?" Samantha asks in a slightly calmer tone, but she's still fuming.

"Because he's Stiles. The guy that has always been there for me, even when I let him down." Scott defends himself.

"Is there something you're not telling me?" Samantha asks quietly. Scott doesn't answer.

"Go on. Spill." Samantha hisses.

"When we were at that party last night. You know the hallucinations we had?" Scott begins worriedly.

"Vividly." Samantha nods. Huh. I guess this memory is recent. This must have happened not long before I came to this world. "Well, uh... I don't know. Ever since then, I've been doubting myself and my choices..." Scott admits.

"Like what?" Samantha asks, her voice a mixture of curiosity and anger.

"The hallucination told me I was going to lose Stiles. Forever. I don't know what that means and for some reason, I felt angry when he kissed Kira in the hallucination. I don't know what the hell is going on with me!" Scott explains, worry etched into his features. Samantha scowls.

"I do." She grumbles. Suddenly, her expression becomes eerily calm. She smiles and walks over to Scott.

"What are you doing?" He frowns. Samantha caresses his face.

"Don't worry. Everything is going to be okay." Samantha coos. Scott tries to back away.

"Look Samantha, I don't think now is the right time-" He begins, but Samantha cuts him off.

"Of course now is the right time. It's always the right time, Scott. I love you. I want to be with you forever. And that's what you want as well." Samantha says, her eyes changing to black for a moment. His eyes widen in shock. She then leans in and kisses Scott passionately. After a moment of struggling, Scott gives in and kisses her back. Once they pull away, Samantha's eyes are their normal color again. Scott looks dazed. "I love you... and want to be with you forever..." Scott mumbles as his eyes glaze in and out of focus. Samantha smiles.

"Really? I love you too and want to be with you forever!" She hugs her boyfriend happily. Scott hugs back, finally returning to normal. Samantha pulls away and looks back at Scott with a smile. "Let's get to school. We don't want to be late." She suggests before leading Scott out of the room. The memory then fades into nothing.

I gasp in shock and horror. What the hell was that?! Her eyes were black... f*cking black! It's just like when my dark side takes over. Sure, things might not be exactly the same in this universe, but I know what I saw and that was not natural. That's not even the icing on the cake! Scott looks so entranced by her words, like he's under her spell.That is definitely something a full blooded mermaid can't do... Can they? At the very least, they would have no desire to do anything like this.

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Where stories live. Discover now