69: Stiles Through the Looking Glass

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Stiles POV

I wake up to feel arms wrapped protectively around me. I can't help but smile as my eyes flutter open. I look down at the hands to see that they are Scott's. Memories from last night come flooding back to me. My heart beats nervously at the thought of the dream message, but I decide to push it to the back of my mind and try to focus on the positive: Scott. I'm touched that he came all the way over here in the middle of the night to calm me down and then ended up staying with me for the rest of the night too. I try not to move, not wanting to wake Scott. As my head is leaning against Scott's chest, I listen to his steady heartbeat thumping against his chest. It's very peaceful. I almost want to go back to sleep again, but I decide to stay awake so I can enjoy this moment.

I glance over to the window to see sunlight pouring through the cracks in the blinds. I can feel Scott's warm breath against my ear. It sends slight shivers down my spine. I lie there for a few more minutes, listening to the birds outside and Scott's heartbeat. I quickly glance over to my phone on the bedside table. I carefully and slowly reach out to grab it. I unlock the phone and check the time. It's 8:40am. Good thing we don't have school today. I place my phone back onto the bedside table. I hold one of Scott's hands (which are still wrapped around me by the way) and squeeze it gently. I chuckle as Scott doesn't stir. He is a heavy sleeper. I on the other hand, can wake up to the slightest of sounds if need be. That doesn't mean I necessarily want to get up. Usually, I'll try to ignore whatever I heard and go back to sleep. Still, it's a good survivor instinct, I guess. A good example of that is when I woke up as Samantha hissed at Liam before making her way up the stairs and attempted to kill my doppelgänger. Speaking of which, I'm wondering whether or not I should tell Scott. I know I promised I wouldn't say anything, but my doppelgänger made an exception, so why can't I? Also, Samantha isn't in our lives anymore.

After a few more moments of lying in bed silently, I hear a small yawn come from behind me. I turn myself around to look at Scott, who is starting to wake up. I smile warmly as Scott opens his eyes. I lean in and kiss him on the forehead. "Morning, sleeping beauty." I smirk as I pull away.

"Morning." Scott yawns again with a smile, letting go of me so he can stretch his arms. I push the covers back and sit up. Scott does the same. "Sleep well?" I ask. Scott nods in reply.

"What about you?" He asks me.

"Yeah, a lot better, thanks to you." I wink. Scott blushes slightly.

"I'm glad I could help." Scott smiles at me. I crawl behind Scott, wrap my arms around him and lean my head on his shoulder. "What should we do today?" I ask close to his ear.

"Whatever you want, Stiles. I don't mind." Scott replies.

"If I get to spend it with you, then I'm happy." I admit with a grin, nuzzling my face into Scott's neck. I hear him laugh and feel his body shake lightly from the motion. "That's easy enough then." Scott replies. He turns around in my grip so that he can face me. He cups my face with his hands and pulls me towards him. The kiss is slow, sweet and gentle. All of my senses feel heightened when I kiss Scott. I place a hand on his chest to feel his excited heartbeat. I listen to the ruffle of the bed covers beneath us and the birds outside. I deeply breathe in Scott's scent. My other hand runs through Scott's thick brown hair. Scott licks the bottom of my lip lightly, asking for entrance. I part my lips slightly to allow Scott's tongue to map out my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance and Scott ends up winning after a few more moments. Eventually, the two of us pull apart, feeling breathless. I grin at my boyfriend. Scott grins back, happiness and excitement lighting up his features.

"I hadn't even brushed my teeth yet." I laugh lightly.

"It doesn't matter to me." Scott says, his goofy grin still on his face.

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