65: Filling In The Blanks

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Stiles POV

We are now driving back to Beacon Hills in Melissa's car, all of the scuba diving gear and the picnic things in the boot of the car. I guess someone must have set up the picnic stuff before Scott and I got the island. I think our first date went amazingly. I loved every minute of it. The only thing that grabbed my concern was when Scott told me that he was afraid he was missing some of his memories. Sure, some of his forgotten memories I already know about, but I can't help but feel there are more that I don't know about. I have a feeling Samantha had something to do with it. I think back to the conversation I had with my doppelgänger. He seemed so sure that something wasn't right with Samantha. We both knew she was a crazy and possessive bitch, but the other me seemed to think there was something more than that. He said her eyes were black, like a siren's... That can't be right. Samantha isn't a siren... Is she? I really hope not. Either way, Scott seems pretty terrified about the whole memory thing. I think I need to talk to him about it.

I gently grab Scott's free hand and squeeze it gently. I see him smiling while he drives. "Hey, Scott? Um, I need to talk to you about some of your memories..." I begin nervously. I notice Scott start to frown worriedly.

"Okay, what's up?" He asks me.

"Well, remember that day when you supposedly bumped your head on the coffee table and the other me was texting the pack with your phone?" I continue.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, um, you didn't bump your head on the coffee table..." I mumble. Scott's eyes widen in shock.

"W-what? Why do I remember that then?" He asks fearfully.

"Scott, calm down, okay? I promise you that nothing is wrong. Brody just altered your memory of that morning." I reply, continuing to hold onto Scott's hand.

"Why?" Scott quickly glances over at me, fear still clear in his eyes.

"Well, um, as you already know, I was upset with you. Our doppelgängers followed me home. The other me thought it was a brilliant idea for your doppelgänger to kiss me, so that's what happened. I had no idea what was going on. The other me left the room so the two of us could have some privacy, I guess. I noticed that the other you had taken off my locket and hid it in his pocket. That confused me and I was about to ask about it when you walked into the room. You had come to apologize to me about our fight at Derek's loft earlier. At first, you assumed that I was the other me. However, eventually you figured out who I really was. You started getting mad at everyone in the room, including me. I was terrified; I had no idea what you were thinking of me. My doppelgänger decided to call Brody over to fix this situation as it was starting to get out of hand. Again, I had no say in the matter. I had no idea what they were going to do to you. If I knew, I would have stopped it. Brody erased your memory of me kissing your doppelgänger and realizing that I wasn't his boyfriend. The other me then replaced it with a memory of you knocking your head against the coffee table." I explain sadly. Scott says nothing, which makes me a little worried.

"When I ran into the room and saw what Brody had done, I was horrified. You weren't moving; you barely looked like you were breathing. I was scared that you weren't going to wake up. I apologized for everything and I begged for you to wake up." I continue. Scott shakes his head slightly.

"Wow..." He mumbles as he continues to stare at the road. Different emotions cross Scott's face within the span of a few seconds. I bite my lip guiltily. "You're not mad, are you?" I ask worriedly.

Scott takes his eyes off the road for a second and looks at me. He slips his hand out of mine and puts it on the steering wheel. Scott says one simple word that has me almost shaking with fear about how this could possibly turn out.

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