10: Dangerously Close

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Stiles POV

I walk into my house, feeling happy. The swim in the ocean has really refreshed me. I decide that I might just go home for a little bit before I go to the animal clinic. It's only 6:58pm. I could go to Deaton's at 7:30pm and stay there for an hour. Yeah, it sounds like a good plan to me. Suddenly, my phone rings. I fumble with it as I pull it out of my pocket. I look at the caller ID to see that it's Scott. My heart jumps a little. I try to ignore it. I quickly answer and put the phone to my ear. "Scott? What's up?" I ask in a light hearted tone. I don't hear a response. I frown as I make my way up to my room. "Scott, are you okay? What's going on?" I ask, this time worry laced in my voice. I hear a small sniffle.

"Dude, I can't help you if you don't say anything." I prompt after another few moments of silence.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I'm just really upset right now." Scott mumbles. I sit down on my bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask gently.

"Kira just left my house. She broke up with me." Scott answers sadly.

"What? Why?" I ask, sitting forward.

"I... don't really know. She wasn't that clear." Scott says, faltering slightly. For some reason, I feel like he's holding back on something, but I don't push it. "Wow man, I'm really sorry." I apologize, wishing that I was there for my best friend.

"It's okay. At least she said we can still be close friends." Scott tries to look at the positives.

"That's true." I comment.

"Look, Scott, as broken up as you feel right now, it will get better. Trust me. You will find someone else. Someone who will love you and be with you for the rest of your life." I try to comfort Scott.

"Or their life. Whoever dies first." I add, hoping Scott will appreciate me lightening the situation slightly, in my own weird way. Thankfully, Scott does chuckle. "Thanks Stiles. You're an awesome friend. You always know how to make feel better." He tells me. I swear he's smiling on the other end.

"Yeah, you're alright too." I tease. We laugh for a few moments.

"If you are ever feeling down or lonely, you're welcome to come over to my place any time and hang out. Even when you're not sad, you can still come over. I just wanted to put the offer out there for you." I say once we finish laughing.

"Thanks, Stiles. I appreciate it." Scott replies.

"No problem. I hope you feel better soon." I say.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'll be okay soon enough." Scott tells me.

"Well, thank you for calling. As much as I would like to talk to you, I can't because I'm going out, so I need to get ready. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?" I speak after a small moment of silence.

"Yeah, sure. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night. Bye."

"Bye Scott." I say in farewell before I hang up the phone. I sigh as I put the phone down on the table beside my bed. I don't know why Scott and Kira would break up. They were such a strong couple. Oh well. Hopefully they will both be happy with the decision. A tiny part of me is ever so slightly glad that they broke up, but I push that feeling down. I can't think like that. Scott and I would never work. We're from two completely different worlds. Not to mention that Scott doesn't like guys. He's also my best friend. What if we ruined something in our friendship if we did ever happen to get together? What would happen if we broke up? I shake my head quickly. My imagination always gets the better of me. Besides, surely I don't like Scott that much... Right? After another few moments of thinking, I finally decide to hurry to Deaton's. I stand up and walk out of my room and down the stairs. I make sure I grab my car keys as I head out of the house. I jump into the jeep and drive quickly to Deaton's. Once I get there, I rush inside. Deaton is at the counter waiting for me. Once he sees me enter the clinic, he walks into the back room. I quickly follow.

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Where stories live. Discover now