6: Lesson Number One

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Stiles POV

The next morning, I'm packing up the car with mine and Dad's stuff. It's lucky that he left the keys in his room yesterday. Once I'm done, I close the boot and walk to the front of the house. Everyone else is already there. "Thank you for an awesome weekend, Lydia." I tell the girl who rented the house out in the first place. Lydia grins at me.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you could come." She replies.

"Did you enjoy yourself, sourwolf?" I ask Derek teasingly. I hear Scott and Isaac laugh quietly behind me. Derek rolls his eyes. "Yes. I did have a good time, you hyperactive spaz." He answers me, smirking at the new nickname he has given me. "Is that going to stick?" I groan.

"Hmm, let me think about it. Yes, it's going to stick." Derek says smugly. I shake my head at him.

"It's been nice for us all to hang out, not worrying about any supernatural problems." Malia admits.

"Yeah, it's a nice change." Kira grins.

"Liam, you screamed so loudly when that crab bit your toe!" Isaac laughs as he recalls a memory. I guess I was too lost in my thoughts to hear Liam scream. It must've been funny though. I look over to see Liam's cheeks burning red. "What? It hurt! I didn't know what it was! What if it was something dangerous?" He tries to defend himself, but fails miserably. "Dude, only a few sea creatures are dangerous, and those ones are found nowhere around here." I point out with a smirk. Liam looks at me, wide eyed, his expression asking why I would say that. I shrug my shoulders in response. "What about when Scott was pulled under by a rip current? I think he was almost scared." Kira adds. Wow, I guess I missed out on a lot. "Hey, those things are dangerous." Scott says defiantly.

"Even more than werewolves?" Lydia asks, raising an eyebrow.

"They can pull us under, yes. We can also drown as easily as anyone else too." Scott answers Lydia. This is quite hilarious. These guys are not so confident when it comes to the ocean. I'd love to show them a thing or two. "I didn't think you were afraid of the water?" I look at Scott with curiosity.

"I'm not. I just don't want to be pulled under and drown, that's all. It's a big ocean out there." Scott reasons with me. He's got a fair point. "I'm surprised Derek went in the water, but Stiles didn't." Isaac comments. This pulls me out of my happy mood and into a more serious one. "Yeah, you missed out on heaps of fun, Stiles." Malia pipes up.

"I just didn't feel like going in this time. Although, now I wish I did, since it seems like I missed out on a lot." I answer as casually as I can. "There's always next time." Scott comforts me. Yeah, I don't think so buddy.

"I know, it's fine. I had a good time reading my book anyway." I reply.

"Oh, right, that reminds me. That was a nice flip yesterday! I didn't know you could do that." Liam compliments me.

"Thanks Liam. I honestly didn't think I could pull it off, but I thought I should just give it a go." I grin.

"Wait, what? What did I miss?" Lydia asks, eyes widening with curiosity.

"Stiles jumped off a boulder yesterday and did a front flip, landing on his feet." Liam answers.

"Guys, it really isn't a big deal." I tell them.

"Yeah, it is! You're usually so clumsy and human, so for you to perform it that perfectly and effortlessly, it kind of is a big deal." Isaac says. Suddenly, my smile completely fades away. It sounds like they think I'm weak, totally defenceless and can't hold my own ground. Everyone falls silent, realizing what Isaac has just said could've hurt me. Isaac looks at me with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry Stiles, I didn't mean for it to come out that way..." He tries to apologize. I stop him before he babbles on any longer. "It's fine, Isaac, I understand." I say in a tired voice. I'm not going to hold it against him or anyone else, but it does hurt a little to know that they probably think I'm weak, but at least the pack care about me enough to protect me. Isaac takes a step closer to me. "I really am sorry. I wasn't thinking." He tries again.

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