77: Ceremony Preparations and Jitters

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Stiles POV

All too soon, it's time for Scott and I to start heading back. We need to get ready for the ceremony tonight. The pack, Melissa and Chris are going to meet Dad, Kara and I at Deaton's animal clinic before we leave, in order for them to drink the potion that'll allow them to breathe underwater. We walk back to the jeep and get into our usual seats. I start the engine and drive back towards Scott's house. I don't think our parents will be impressed that we missed school, but that doesn't matter. I don't care and Scott doesn't care. As we drive back to his house, we laugh and talk about the most random and insignificant things, but it's still a special moment because I'm with Scott. Eventually, I pull up into the driveway of Scott's house. I pull the key out of the ignition and turn to the True Alpha.

"Well, thank you again for today. I had an amazing time. I'm glad that you took my mind off the ceremony. Even now, I feel more calm about it, since I've spent the day with you and I know that you'll be there with me tonight." I smile cheerfully. Scott gives me a smile in return. "It's nothing, Stiles. I'll always be here for you." Scott replies.

"I don't really want to leave you, but I know I should spend some time with my dad at home before we meet all you guys at the animal clinic." I sigh reluctantly.

"Oh, before you go, I need to give you something!" Scott exclaims quickly.

"What do you-" I begin, but Scott cuts me off.

"I'll be right back!" Scott chirps before he jumps out of the car and races into his house. I can't help but chuckle at Scott's eagerness. I take my seat belt off, but continue to wait in the car for a few minutes before Scott rushes back outside again. I can see him holding a fairly large gift bag. My curiosity to see what's inside the bag grows, but I also can't believe that Scott decided to get me a present, even after I told him not to. I shake my head slightly at him as he practically skips towards the car. He opens the door and jumps into the passenger seat of the jeep. "Happy birthday, Stiles. I know you'll love what I got you." Scott grins at me, looking like an excited puppy.

"Scott, I told you not to get me anything." I try to say in a stern voice, but it doesn't work very well.

"Yeah, well, too bad. I didn't listen. I wanted to get you something. You deserve something nice for your birthday, especially you're 18th." Scott smirks. I roll my eyes and chuckle, knowing that there's no use in arguing with my boyfriend about this. Scott hands me the bag. I slowly look inside and my eyes widen at the haul inside. My eyes first land on the new and shiny metal baseball bat Scott has given me. Memories of me using my baseball bat in supernatural fights suddenly come back at me. I smile at the memories. I also remember the time where I went to Scott's house to get him to help me find the dead body and he almost attacked me with a baseball bat, thinking that I was a 'predator'. I chuckle and push the baseball bat aside to see the rest of the gifts.

The next thing my eyes land on is the video game. I pull it out to have a look at it. "No way!" I laugh in surprise and delight as I see what video game it is. "Yes way." Scott giggles.

"You remembered that Mario Kart was the very first video game that we played together? The first video game that I ever played?" I ask in awe.

"Yup." Scott replies with a nod.

"Thanks, dude. It's awesome. We definitely need to play it soon." I smile at Scott as I place the video game back into the bag. I then pull out a framed photo of Scott and I with our arms slung around each other's shoulders before a lacrosse game. I think it was about a year ago. We are in our full lacrosse gear except for our helmets. We smile excitedly for the camera. "I think I remember that game. Thanks to you, Beacon Hills had the biggest win in years." I grin, turning to Scott.

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