8: A Strange New Feeling

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Stiles POV

Finally, we reach the school. As we enter the building, we see and hear panic and commotion everywhere. Kids are running up and down the halls on their phones, shouting to whoever is on the other end. Most teachers are talking worriedly with each other, but Coach is sitting in his office. As we walk past, I notice a bottle of liquor on his desk. I guess he's not handling this too well. We quickly move on. We go to our classes that we are supposed to have, but the classrooms are the same thing. Scott, who is in my math class, exchanges a look with me. Neither of us feel like there's any point being here, but we stay anyway. This is going to be a long day.


Once I get home, I collapse onto the sofa. I groan. I feel exhausted. It doesn't help that my legs are hurting. Again. I close my eyes and try to get some rest. Half an hour later, I hear my phone ring. I grab the phone and answer it. "Hello?" I ask wearily. "Stiles, we're having a pack meeting at Derek's in 10 minutes. You coming?" Scott asks.

"I suppose so." I sigh.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, today just spooked me a little. That's all." I answer.

"Alright. See you soon then." Scott replies.

"Okay. Bye." I say before I hang up the phone. I get off the couch and exit the house. My legs are still in pain, but I think I can handle it. I limp over towards my jeep. I get in slowly. Once I start the jeep, I make my way to Derek's loft. I get out the jeep and enter the building. I groan at the amount of stairs that I will have to walk up. I don't know if I can make it with my legs in this condition. Suddenly, someone taps me on the shoulder. I jump in fright. I hear the person chuckling behind me. I turn around and find Scott. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, very funny, haha." I tell him. I'm not in the happiest of moods right now. The leg pain is getting worse by the minute. I thought I could handle it, but now... I'm not so sure. Scott notices my tense mood. "Seriously Stiles. What's up?" Scott asks, stepping closer to me. "I guess I'm in a bit of pain, but it's more of a dull ache. Don't worry, it's nothing." I sigh. Scott frowns slightly. "How much does it really hurt?" He asks. I say nothing. Slowly, Scott reaches out and touches my arm. He yanks his hand back almost immediately. "Dude! You're in pain! A lot of it! If I held on any longer, I think I'd fall over!" Scott exclaims. I laugh at his reaction.

"It's not that bad." I say. It's not true though. It is really bad. All the bones in my legs feel like they're snapping as well as the sensation of being on fire. I guess I'm so used to it I don't usually notice how bad the pain is. Or it might just have gotten worse today. Scott frowns. "You're lying. I don't even need to hear you heartbeat for that one." He states. I sigh, knowing that Scott won't let this go. That might be a good thing since I'm almost certain I can't make it up these damn stairs. Scott seems to read my mind. "Let's get to your jeep. I'll call Derek and say we can't make it. Sound good?" Scott asks me. "Scott, I don't want you missing out, I'll be fine on my own." I protest. Scott shakes his head.

"No. I'm not going to leave you in a time like this." He says stubbornly. I give up, knowing that Scott won't back down. He can be very stubborn at times. I watch as Scott pulls out his mobile and calls Derek. "Hi Derek, it's Scott. Listen, Stiles and I Can't make it tonight." Scott begins. There is a pause where Derek responds to Scott.

"Oh, uh, we're just not feeling up to it tonight. Just get someone to call us tomorrow or something if we have missed anything important." Scott replies casually. I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm happy that Scott didn't go into detail. First of all, I don't want everyone worrying about me again. Second of all, if they aren't worrying about me, I don't want them to be thinking that I'm some weak, defenceless guy that can't handle even just a small bit of pain. I know that it's not a small amount of pain, but the others might see it that way. Even then, it's embarrassing for me to admit that I'm in pain. Scott drags me out his thoughts when he says goodbye to Derek. "Alright. Talk to you tomorrow. Have a good night." Scott hangs up the phone and stuffs it into his back pocket. I feel slightly dizzy. I sway on my feet. "Woah!" Scott rushes over and catches me before I fall over. I don't understand how this pain just keeps getting worse. "Let's get out of here." Scott suggests. I nod quickly. Scott helps me out of the building and over to my jeep. "I'll drive." Scott offers. He helps me into the passenger seat before jumping into the driver's seat. "This is unusual." I comment, trying to lighten the mood. Scott chuckles. "Yeah. It is." He admits.

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