67: Hybrids and Tridents

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Scott POV

My left side stings a little from where the alpha scratched me, but I don't let on about it. I'm glad that the blood hasn't soaked through my shirt much yet. I know I'll heal, even if it takes a little time. I don't need to worry Stiles with this. He has his own injuries to worry about. Seeing the light purple bruise marks on Stiles' neck as well as the puncture marks makes me really angry. I would really like to kill the werewolf that Stiles and I are holding up, but I know that is not the right choice. "Hey, should we contact Chris?" I suggest as Stiles and I continue to walk back to town.

"Yeah, I'll call him now." Stiles pulls out his phone and dials a number. Someone picks up after a few moments. I decide to listen in on the conversation. "Stiles?" Chris asks into the phone.

"Yeah, um, how far away from Beacon Hills are you?" Stiles gets straight to the point.

"I'm already at Derek's loft. I lost Michael's trail; Derek and I were about to warn you. Why?" Chris answers worriedly.

"Well, I might have found Michael... Well, technically he found me." Stiles sighs.

"What?" I hear Chris yell in shock.

"Don't worry though, I'm fine. Michael's unconscious and probably will be for a while. He didn't turn me. Scott and I are on the way to the loft now." Stiles assures the hunter.

"Scott is with you?" Chris asks curiously.

"Yes, but it's a bit of a long story over the phone. We can explain things when we get there. Keep an eye out for us." Stiles replies.

"Alright. We'll see you soon." I hear Chris respond. I glance over to see Stiles hanging up the phone and stuffing it into his pocket. Stiles glances over at me with a small smile. "I guess you heard all of that?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Yeah. Sorry, I shouldn't have eavesdropped." I apologize.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Stiles laughs and shakes his head at me. As we enter town, we try to keep to back streets just so people don't get suspicious. Finally, we make it to Derek's building. We walk inside and glance up the flight of stairs. I hear Stiles groan. "Do we really have to do this?" He asks.

"Well, he won't fly up there himself." I sigh. Suddenly, Stiles' eyes light up.

"Of course! I'm so stupid." Stiles says in realization. I frown in confusion.

"What is it?" I ask as Stiles lets go of Michael. I watch as Stiles' eyes glow green. Michael starts to float into the air, so I let go of him. I glance over and grin at Stiles. "Gotta love telekinesis." I say as I nudge him in the arm. Stiles nods in agreement.

"Come on, let's get going." Stiles says as he starts climbing up the stairs, Michael's body following above him. I quickly follow after Stiles. We continue to climb up the flights of stairs. "What you did back in the woods. That was awesome." I comment as the two of us continue to walk up the stairs. I think that Stiles is plenty powerful enough without being a hybrid that Michael clearly wanted him to be. Stiles looks over to me and grins. "Thanks." He replies. I can't help but stare into his pale green eyes for a moment with fascination. "What is it?" Stiles asks curiously with a slight frown.

"Your eyes. They're so beautiful, whether they're brown or green." I reply. Stiles blushes lightly and gives me a small smile. "Thank you, Scott." He mumbles as we reach the top of the stairs.

"I love your eyes too. Both colors." Stiles adds as we walk towards the door to the loft.

"Really? Thanks." I reply with a grin. I open up the door and walk inside the loft to find Derek and Chris waiting for us. Stiles follows me into the room, Michael floating above him. Once we reach the middle of the room, we stop. I hear a thump from behind me. I turn around to see Michael lying on the floor. I guess Stiles decided to drop him. I turn back around to see Derek and Chris rushing over to us. "What did he do to you?" Derek asks worriedly, eying Stiles' face and neck.

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