62: Planning

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Scott POV

When we finally arrive at the loft, we find that everyone else's cars are already there. We get out of Stiles' jeep and rush inside. I let everyone go up the stairs before me. Eventually, we make it to the top. Kira runs over to the door and opens it up. The four of us walk inside to find our pack waiting for us. Once they see that we are here, they all quickly run over to us, firing away with questions.

"What happened?" Lydia asks worriedly.

"Are you guys okay?" Liam frowns.

"Did either of you get hurt?" Derek asks Stiles and I with concern.

"Where did you go, Stiles? Did Scott find you?" Malia asks curiously.

"Did Samantha have something to do with Stiles going missing?" Isaac queries.

"Guys, we can't answer everyone at once!" I call out over everyone. This manages to bring silence to the room. Stiles and I take turns in answering each question. As I finish answering Isaac's question, him, Malia and Liam growl. "If I ever find that bitch, I'll kill her." Malia says menacingly.

"I second that." Liam pipes up, eyes glowing gold.

"No you won't. If anyone is going to get some payback, it's me." I speak up. Everyone looks at me with satisfaction. "That's good to hear." Derek nods.

"I doubt she'll be back here again anytime soon though." I shrug.

"Has anyone seen her around?" Stiles asks curiously.

"No. In fact, I saw her leaving town last night." Lydia laughs. I can't help but snicker. She really couldn't stand me breaking up with her, could she? "Well, I'm just glad that she's gone for good." Stiles replies.

"I think we can all agree with you on that one." Kira tells Stiles. I turn to the boy in question.

"Again, I can't even express how sorry I am that Samantha did all of that to you. I wish I had listened to you the first time you told me your suspicions." I sigh sadly. Stiles claps my back comfortingly.

"It's fine Scott, don't worry about it." He chuckles. I nod in response. I turn back to everyone else.

"So, has anything else happened?" Lydia asks curiously. There is a mischievous look in her eyes. I glance over at Stiles, looking for reassurance. He gives me a small smile and nods. I walk closer to him. Stiles quickly wraps an arm around my waist. "Stiles and I are together." I say confidently. Lydia makes a sound of delight.

"Finally!" Lydia grins at us.

"Boys are always oblivious and slow. What did you expect?" Kira laughs. I want to protest, but I know I can't. Kira is right. I was too oblivious to my own feelings. I almost was too late. "Well, I'm happy for you two." Malia says. Isaac, Kara and Liam nod in agreement. "I'm glad that your feelings aren't unrequited anymore, Stiles. You both deserve happiness and I think you both will find that with each other." Derek smiles.

"Well, someone isn't a sour wolf today." Stiles laughs. Derek rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't ruin the moment, Stiles." Derek groans.

"Wait, hold up. Derek knew that you had feelings for me?" I raise my eyebrows at Stiles.

"I had to tell him. Long story." Stiles sighs. I shrug it off. It doesn't really matter now, since all of the pack knows. Well, except Deaton and Chris, but we can tell them later. Kara walks over to Isaac and he pulls her in for a hug. "Well, we're just glad that you're both okay. We were worried sick." Liam admits.

"Yeah, don't scare us like that again, Stiles." Isaac continues.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it." Stiles chuckles.

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