24: Nightmare? Or something more?

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Stiles POV

I wake up to hear people chatting around me. I groan and sit up. As I rub the sleep out of my eyes, I take a look at my surroundings. Everyone else is awake and talking on the sofas. Well, everyone except Lydia. Suddenly, I smell food cooking from the kitchen. I guess she's being so kind to make breakfast for all of us again. "Morning, sleepy head." Isaac teases. I roll my eyes.

"What time is it?" I ask groggily.

"It's about 10:45am." Kira answers.

"Wow, I slept in late." I reply in surprise.

"Yeah, we all did. Thanks to Liam's late night surprise." Isaac smirks.

"Haha, sorry about that again." Liam answers, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's fine, Liam. Don't worry about it." I assure him. I stand up and walk into the kitchen to find Lydia making breakfast.

"You don't have to do that, you know." I comment as I walk towards her. Lydia shrugs.

"I don't mind. I like doing it." Lydia replies.

"Alright then. It smells great." I give in. Lydia smiles.

"Thanks." She responds. I nod.

"I'll give you a hand." I offer, stepping up to the stove.

"Sure thing. Could you keep an eye on the bacon while I get started on the eggs?" Lydia asks.

"Yep." I reply, picking up a spatula and turn the pieces of bacon over.


Lydia and I bring out steaming plates of food out to everyone. I watch as they lick their lips hungrily. I chuckle to myself. We hand everyone a plate. As we are about to head back into the kitchen to get utensils, I notice everyone starting to use their hands to eat. I pull Lydia back. "I don't think that's necessary." I say, gesturing to our friends. Lydia giggles.

"Yeah, probably not." Lydia sits on the sofa between Scott and Kira. I sit down on the floor with my plate next to Malia. Soon enough, we have all finished our food. We get up and take our dishes to the kitchen, placing them in the dishwasher. We all walk back into the living room. I only now notice how messy everyone looks. All of our hair is tangled and all over the place. Scott and Isaac have slight bags under their eyes. Lydia's makeup is smudged, almost looking like she has been crying, even though she hasn't. Malia hasn't even bothered to sweep her hair out of her face. I wonder what I must look like. "Well, thanks for coming over, guys. It was really fun." I thank the group.

"No problem. Anytime." Kira smiles.

"Before we go, let's just be childish for a moment." Liam says excitedly.

"What?" I ask curiously. Liam quickly snatches a cushion from the sofa and ditches it at me. Due to my unpreparedness, the cushion hits me in the face. "Oof!" I yelp in surprise.

"Pillow fight!" Liam announces. I throw the cushion in Liam's direction. He manages to doge by diving onto the sofa. I laugh. This is a really childish thing to do, but who cares? I haven't had too many pillow fights in my life. I run up stairs to grab more pillows. I come back down the stairs and start pelting them at people. I hear shrieks of surprise and laughter. Everyone quickly starts joining the game. At some point, it turns more into a wrestling match. I'm on top of Isaac, hitting him repeatedly with a pillow while Malia is kneeling on my back, hammering me with a pillow as well. Even more people start piling on top of us, trying to hit us with pillows. Eventually, the tower of teenagers collapses and we all fall to the ground in a fit of laughter. I turn my head to look at Scott, who is lying beside me. He turns to look at me, smiling. I smile back. "Thank you for doing this." I whisper quietly to him. Everyone else is too busy laughing to hear. "It's no problem. I know you'd do the same for me." Scott replies. I slowly sit up, everyone else doing the same. Eventually, we manage to stop laughing. Lydia looks at her phone. Her eyes widen. "Guys, it's 12:30pm. I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to meet my Mom at the mall. We are having a girls afternoon." Lydia explains, standing up. I quickly follow suit.

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