Chapter 10: Trapped together

Start from the beginning

I'm still panting as I try to catch my breath and not fall over. Pushing a cart while you ran in heels wasn't the most appealing thing to do. Especially in the busy streets of New York City.

The doors about the close when someone's arm comes out, blocking it from doing so. They slip in and jam the lobby button harshly before turning to face me.

Oh no.

"Oh piss off!" Justin yelled, turning to leave the elevator, but it was too late. They already closed shut and the elevator was on its way up.

He grumbled some incoherent words under his breath as he grumpily crossed his arms cover his chest, leaning against the wall.

I was too nerve-wracked to be worried about him and his annoying glare. I checked the time on my watch. I needed to be there in five minutes for the meeting. I still have time. I anxiously watch as the elevator numbers changed. We were only on the ninth floor and I needed to be on the 19th!

Justin must have noticed the way I was watching the numbers since he decided now was the best time to let out a snarky comment. "Worried you're not going to get into trouble for not giving everyone's coffees on time, little intern? Or should I call you errand girl now since that's what you are," He smirks smugly, "How pathetic." he scoffs in distaste.

Ignore him, Ivy. He's just trying to get on your nerves. He's not worth your time. I tell myself, keeping my head forward.

The numbers keep going up until suddenly the elevator jolts with a sudden shake and abruptly stops and the lights flicker off. My hands dart out to hold onto the cart before it fell over.

"What the fūck?"

"What the heckity heck?"

Justin and I both snap our heads to look at the other. "What the heckity heck?" Justin repeats in an unamused tone. "Are you five?"

I don't bother responding as I start to panic, trying to check the time on my phone. Three minutes until the meeting!

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Did I mention oh no?

As I panic, Justin groans in displeasure. "I'm going to be late for my gig."

I instantly turn to the panel with the buttons to every floor and find the emergency call button and press it. Suddenly the alarm goes off and both Justin and I flinch at the sudden sound. Red lights start to flash.

My hands instantly reach up to block my ears and I notice Justin has done the same. "Jesus Christ, you couldn't have waited to do something stupid, Ivy?" He shouted over the loud alarm that was meant to inform someone in that building that we were stuck. Even in the darkness of the elevator, I can see Justin glaring at me.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do?" I shout back over the alarm.

We were stuck in the elevator and both late to do something important. I want to get out of here as soon as possible. And of all people I had to be trapped in here, of course, it had to be Justin freaking Bieber, "star model" of Ms Mallette's fashion line.

Suddenly, a voice spoke up in the speaker of the elevator shaft. "Help situation in elevator 4," The voice spoke in a static-y sound, "help situation in elevator 4."

"No shīt!" Justin yelled loudly at the sound system, clearly pissed off by the whole situation at hand. I couldn't help but snort at his sudden outburst and he whips his head so fast I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

"You think this is funny?" He hisses. "I'm late for band practice and it's all your damn fault!"

A look of confusion forms on my face. Was he seriously blaming me for this? "My fault? Excuse me, but I did not stop the flipping elevator."

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