Chapter Eighteen.

Start from the beginning

"Your the reason why I'm standing here right now. If it wasn't for you, I would have gotten myself and Jazzy killed. I don't deserve someone as bold and humble as you." I responded on the verge of tears. After all I had put Justin through, he still chooses to stay with me.

"Fatime, don't say that. I don't deserve such a courageous, beautiful girl like you. You went out of your way to save my sister clearly knowing how dangerous Daniel was. If anyone deserves a standing ovation, it's you."

One tear slid down my cheek after the other. I couldn't help but take in every single genuine word that came from his mouth. I knew that he meant what he had said and I am overly grateful to have him in my life.

A few days later; there has been some changes but they haven't been able to make enough progress to show the doctor weather  ustin is able to be discharged today. I really hope that he is able too.

Not being able to move from his side, since the horrible accident because of Daniel. I couldn't even if I tried. We both haven't eaten much. Don't think I could stomach it all, with the feelings inside me.  I just hoping that Justin will get better soon. I need Justin back. I miss all of the good times we have had.

"Do you want anything Justin? Something to drink or eat?"

"No thanks."

"Okay, I'm just popping down to the canteen to get a drink? Be back in a few minutes. I promise."

For the first time since the day of the accident, I have kept the promise I have made to Justin. I didn't want to leave Justin's side, but for some reason, I had this feeling that I needed to get out of the room for a while, to think. I walked to the elevator and then decided to take the stairs. Didn't feel like waiting too long for the elevator. I went down the flights of stairs before I was able to arrive at the canteen. I was surprised to see that their was no - one was in the canteen except for the staff. It was too slient for my liking so I quicklywalked towards the drinks machine that was near the door way and made the purchase of a sprite as I haven't had one in forever.

After getting my sprite out of the drinks machine, I walked back up the flights of stairs and back to Justin's room. Just before, I got to the last set of stairs, I saw a sign and directions for the "Make a Wish Foundation." I followed all of the directions towards the ward, and I saw that there was a small little girl tat reminded of Jazzy. Just as I was about to leave the ward and go back to Justin's Room, the little girl, was waiting at the door for me with a beautiful little smile. I knelt down to her level before asking her what her name was;

"Hi, sweetie! What's your name?"


"What a pretty name."

Just as I was getting up I felt someone's hand touch mine, I looked down to see it was Isabella's. This reminds me of Jazzy so much. I hope she is doing okay, with Jeremy or Alfredo. As I was thinking about Jazzy, I realised that I was being pulled. I looked down and just smiled. Isabella had decided to take me somewhere. It wasn't too long before we arrived at a room with a wooden door. Isabella was trying to open it but she was having trouble so I helped her with the door. When we had done that, I walked into a room that looked like Isabella's. There was a woman in the corner of the room sitting a chair. The woman looked very similar to Isabella, so I gathered it was Isabella's mom.

"Isabella, where have you been sweetie. I have been so worried. Please don't walk off again with me or asking please sweetheart."

"Ok, mummy. sow-ry."

Someone Else's Not So Good Fairytale. [A Justin Bieber Love Story].Where stories live. Discover now