"I guess you're right." I started. "....Do you think this means it's possibly getting worse?"

Miranda opened her mouth to speak, but the sound of mama's voice stopped her.

"...Amara....?" I quickly turned back to her bedside, seeing her finally opening up her eyes.

"Hey, you feel okay? You need me to grab one of nurses?' I stood up from my seat, about to get one of the nurses to come check on her, but she grabbed my arm, sitting me back down.

"I don't need a nurse, Im fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I feel alot better now." I took a deep breath, nodding. "What happened?"

"I don't really remember I-" She look past me and frowned once she seen Miranda sitting there.

"Amara......what is she doing here?" She looked up at me, waiting for me to answer.

"She called 911 for me when I found you knocked out, it's fine mama."

"No it's not fine." She said, slighty sitting up.

"What's going on here Amara.....was she in here when I was seen by the doctor?"

"No.....and yes."

"I can step out if you want me too." Miranda said, finally speaking up.


I sighed, shaking my head, watching Miranda stand up from her seat. "No, Miranda, you can stay.....look mama, there's something I need to tell you."

"And what's that?" She asked sitting up some more. "Because I know you didn't tell her what I think you did."

I paused for a second. ".....Look mama, Im really concerned for you, with everything that's going on, I couldn't keep on pretending like everything was okay, and it's not, Miranda saw right through that......and I told her."

"You promised me you wouldn't say anything about this Amara, and you told her, how long has she known?"

I looked over at Miranda, who motioned for me to tell her.

"Two months," Her eyes widened. "She's known almost as long as I've been diagnosed, I can't believe this, you need to get me out of here now."

"Calm down mama," I said in a sigh. "She's not gunna tell anyone, she hasn't this whole time."

"Honestly Stasia." She said, speaking up again. "I know this is your personal business, and technically you didn't share it with me, but I can promise you that I won't tell anyone, I was in your shoes years ago, and I understand what your feeling right now."

Mama sighed, shaking her head. "Just get te nurse so I can get out of here."

"But mama she-"

"Now Amara."

She carefully layed back down, making sure she didn't make eye contact with either one of us.

Aliyah P.O.V.

I pulled into a empty parking space, right infront of Marcus' apartment building.

Out of everything I had to do today, having to ask for his address, was almost the most hardest and most awkward thing I had to do.

Of course I had no idea where he lived, so I had to call Brittany and get his address from her, and of course she a million questions for me, that I just couldn't answer right now.

All I wanted to do right now was back my car up, and take off out of his apartment complex, but I knew Giselle wouldn't let me, since this was all her idea.

Interception (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now