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"      "KAYLA WAKE UP ITS YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!" Abuela yelled from downstairs. "Im up im up!" said Kayla as she walked down fully dressed and ready. "Sit down for breakfast." Tio Jose said. "Can't Tia Lucy wanted me to meet her at this address before school." Kayla explained while handing Tio Jose the paper with the address on it. "Oh God she wants you to meet Mateo. A friend of her's son. He's a trouble maker so don't follow his lead anywhere! Now go! You'll make Lucy mad if you don't!"
             Kayla waited at the bus stop that Tia Lucy said would take her to the house. Once she got there Tia Lucy, a tall boy, and a shortish woman were standing out on the front patio. "Kayla finally!! Come here, Come here!"  Tia Lucy exclaimed. "Hey" the boy said.
           He looked the part of a trouble maker. Tan skin, tall, dark brown hair and eyes. He had gages in his ears and a snapback hat. He had a gold chain around his neck. He was wearing a baggy sweatshirt and jeans. But Kayla had to give it to him. He was extremely attractive.
"Kayla, Mateo here is going to show you your way around school!" The woman explained." Wow thanks" Kayla said a little flatly.
      The school bus came around and Kayla sat next to Mateo. "You got a boyfriend Mexico?" Mateo asked. "Excuse me?" Kayla exclaimed. "Boyfriend?" He repeated. "No, you called me what?" Kayla said raising her voice. "Mexico, your from there right? You're Spanish but a way different association" He explained. "Oh well yes I do have a boyfriend." Kayla said strongly.
      "Too bad for you" Mateo said. "I would never date you!" Kayla yelled. "Hold on Mexico, Im not looking for a girl its just your stuck with a little white boy right?" Kayla was about to say something back but she thought it was useless. "Ya think about it" Mateo said standing up and walking to another seat on the moving bus. "MY BOYFRIENDS GREAT!" Kayla exclaimed. "Ya ok Mexico." He said.

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