Far Far From Home.

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Kayla got off the bus on this exciting day. She was finally introducing her family to Thomas. He smiled at her brightly and looked nervous. Thomas was not only cute but he was sweet and caring.
      They got to the apartment door and entered. Sergio was at the kitchen table and looked at Thomas. Then he screamed "MAMA KAYLA HAS A BOY!!!!" Mama walked into the kitchen laughing. "Hi! you're Thomas I assume." She said forcing a smile. "Ya thats me" Thomas replied nervously. "He sat down with Kayla's mama and talked for about 20 minutes. "Well Thomas why don't you stay for dinner." Mama said. Thomas smiled and they headed into Kayla's room.
       "Nice comfy place" Thomas said. "Eh your house is a better" Kayla said laughing. Then she got a text. From the person ruining her life. Chase.
     Bitch get yourself together, we all no you don't have a boyfriend! Stop being a Kayla... Wait😂😂
        Kayla looked down at her phone. "Hey Thomas can you go hang out with Sergio or something." Kayla said trying to hold back tears. He was speechless for a second then nodded and left her room. Kayla sat in the corner crying softly so no one would hear. Then she replied.
     I do have a boyfriend and he's better then you ever were. u can tell ur friends to say whatever you want. i stood up for myself if theres a problems with that then I dont see it.
      After about ten minutes her phone blew up again. Chase kept making fun of her on social media. Even though she didn't even live in Texas she was being Cyber bullied by seemingly everyone there. She decided to text Jose.
      hi Jose, i really need u rn. my new boyfriend Thomas (yeah we are offically offical)  just met Mama. It went fine and hes staying for dinner. Hes hanging out with Sergio rn and i keep getting harassed by Chase and all the horrible people from Armia. i wont be seeing you for the holidays. Im staying with Papi. I need an escape from this all and maybe Spain is the answer. But i haven't told Thomas yet. i miss you!
She sat on her bed. Thomas walked in. "Kayla... are you ok?" He asked putting his arms around me. "Thomas... Im leaving for Spain for the next three months or so" Kayla said sadly. "Kay... is that what you were worried about? It'll be fine." Thomas said. "Thanks" Kayla replied. Dinner went fine and all was, ok.
"Kayla!!! ARE YOU READY!!!!?" Mama yelled. Kayla ran into the living room with her suitcase. "Love you sweetie!" Mama said opening the door and handing Kayla her bags. "I love you too!" She said. She got on a bus and headed too the airport where she met Papi.

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