To My X

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(Song goes with this chapter and It gave me the inspiration for this chapter with some other events...)
After Jose decided to ask Sarafina to marry him, Kayla was ready for something she should've done a long time ago.
Kayla grabbed her phone as she flopped on her bed. She was ready to face Chase again. This is what she said. "Congratulations on you dating Ashlynn. It hurt me at first but im over it. I hope your treating her better then you did me. Now that you broke me up with me im a lot stronger. My brother is getting engaged and it made me notcied we would never last! Look at me now! im one of the most popular girls at my school" Kayla lied a lot but she didn't want him to think she was a wreck about it and she was ready to get over him for good.
"Honestly it was awesome we broke up! Im
way up now, you were really weighing me down, Never again boo😗" She jumped on her bed. "That felt good" She said quietly.
Then she continued on too delete all of her and Chase's photos and blocked him on all social media. He texted her "..." She just smiled and proceeded to deleting his number entirely. It would've felt better if these things were true but Chase didn't deserve the truth and he never did.
"Sergio and Kayla!" "Come in for dinner!" Shouted Mama. Sergio ran to his seat while Kayla slowly walked while looking down at her phone.
"Who you texting?" said Sergio curiously. "None of your buisness" said Kayla wacking him in the head then laughed. She sat down in her seat and Sergio was trying to see her phone.
"I have flaultas!" Kayla's mom exclaimed making Sergio's eyes go from Kayla's phone to the middle of the table where the flautas were placed. He immediately reached for the four crispiest ones on the bottom. "Sergio your a pig" Kayla said, disgusted.
"Mama these look absolutely amazing, and they smell even better!" Kayla exclaimed.
     They ate all of the flaultas (well Sergio ate most of them). "I think my stomach might burst if I eat another flaulta" Kayla exclaimed groaning because her stomach ached.
     Kayla and Sergio looked at each other intensely. Then look at Jose's room. She really needed to play video games to take her mind off of what she texted Chase not much earlier. "LOOK OVER THERE!" Sergio said running to Jose's room. Kayla was in track at her old school so she managed to catch up. "Give me the controller now, OR ELSE!" Kayla shouted at him. "Or else what?" Sergio teased. Kayla pulled out her phone. Then she flipped out a video of Sergio singing "Baby" by Justin Bieber when he was ten. "Or else I post this on every social media I have."Kayla said nastily.
      "Give me that now!" He said raising his voice. "Give me the controller." Kayla said calmly. Sergio started running at her. "AHHH" Kayla screamed running down the hall. Sergio was still right behind her. She ran into the hallway that kept all the apartment doors. Then she blasted out the back door.
     When Sergio came out she held out the video. "Give me the controller or I post it." Kayla said. It was a cold night so they weren't going to be out there long. "Fine!" He said handing her the controller and accepting his defeat.
     "RACE YOU INSIDE" He said loudly as he started sprinting towards the back door. "YOURE ON!" Kayla said running after him.

Me and You {Finished}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon