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"TODAY WERE GOING TO BE TAKING A LOOK AT ACTUAL SAND FROM MARS! THEN WE'LL COMPARE IT TO EARTH SAND!" Mr. Delaughter yelled. "Aw man were working with chemicals!" Lelani said. "Whats wrong with that?" Asked Thomas cluelessly. Lelani rolled her eyes. "My shirt is white" She said like he should have obviously known that.
    "Oh" Thomas said. "Ya oh" Kayla added sassily. "Maybe I should find another group." Thomas said slowly. "Maybe" Kayla told him rolling her eyes and raising her voice slightly. "No don't!" Lelani said. "Kayla can I talk to you a sec"
"Why are you being so sassy?" Tinisha asked putting her hand on her hip and giving Kayla the "mom" look. "Because.. We didn't exactly get off on the right foot." She explained."Put it aside for this please? He accidentally bumped into you in the hall its not a big deal" Lelani said. Kayla smiled and shrugged realizing how unfair she was being. They headed back to the table.
"Lets get started!" Lelani said excitedly. They all laughed and it was a lot more fun then Kayla thought.
       After class Lelani, Kayla, and Thomas stayed back to clean up. (Mostly because Kayla would have an excuse to be late to math.) "Ill be right back, don't let anyone for next period in until I get back!" Mr Delaughter exclaimed. He left the room while the teenagers worked on cleaning up spills and other messes.
"I got to go so I don't miss choir. Bye!" Lelani said sprinting towards the door. "Bye!" Me and Thomas said in unison.
     Things got quieter when she left. Then I saw Leon again. He walked into the lab. "Why you cleaning pizza boy?, Trying to make some more money for your family?" Leon said. He laughed. Kayla gave him a confused look. "Oh, you didn't want people to know?" Leon said still laughing. "You've said enough Leon" exclaimed Thomas. Leon continued to laugh. "Ok, Seems like i've over stayed my welcome" he said while walking out the door, but first grabbing a notebook left on his desk"
      "You think?" Thomas said. Apparently that made Leon snap. "You talk back to me pizza boy?" He said turning around and shoving his finger on Thomas' chest. "No....." Thomas exclaimed. "Good" Leon said angrily turning around to the door.
      Thomas was breathless. He put his hands at his sides. Then smiled awkwardly. Awkwardly was probably the best word to describe the situation. "We should go...." Kayla suggested. Thomas nodded.
       Kayla remembered she needed to lock the door so no one could come in before Mr. Delaughter came back. Thomas was right behind her. She turned around and said "Oh let me lock up!" All of a sudden she slipped and fell into Thomas's arms.
      For a second she looked into his ocean-like eyes. Thomas stared into hers. Then Kayla got to her feet quickly.
"Uh... Thanks" She said speeding down the hall. Every time Thomas was around Kayla he ended up feeling stupid. First for picking up her notebook and then, for letting her run.

Me and You {Finished}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum