My First Day

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      Kayla put on the outfit she was wearing yesterday but decided to change. The outfit was cute but for her first day she wanted to seem chill. Kayla pulled on some black high waisted shorts and a flowy black crop top. She put on some red and white Jordan's and to fit in, a Chicago Bulls hat. She straightened her hair and put on some light make up. "KAYLA IF YOU DON'T HURRY UP IM EATING ALL YOUR FOOD!" Sergio screamed from the kitchen.
        Kayla ran into the kitchen and grabbed her Chorizo Taco and ran to the bus stop. Her backpack was black with imprinted gold letters saying Kayla. It was from her Papi in Spain. Kayla was determined to just stay invisible this year.
       Kayla slowly walked onto the bus after Sergio. It seemed like a ton of white kids and a few mixed but no one was completely one race except well... White. They were staring at them like they were from another planet. Some of them must have been new as well. Kayla sat by the only nice looking human on the bus. She was a mixed girl who was much shorter than Kayla.
      "Hi! Im Lelani." The girl said. "I moved here from Hawaii a few weeks ago!" She said. "HEY LOOK EVERYONE WE GOT A LITTLE MEXICAN HERE!" a pale kid said. Kayla rolled her eyes. "HOOOOLLLLAAAA" he said in a slow motion voice as if she didn't understand. All the kids on the bus snickered. Lelani gave her a "Are you gonna let them treat you like that" look hinting Kayla to take action.
      A few moments later the kid kept taunting her so Kayla punched him. The bus driver didn't seem to care and just said "Please do not punch anyone on my bus!" and then mumbled something about paperwork. But the boy was in tears.
Kayla took out her phone. It was a tiny Iphone 4 her mama gave her but could barely afford. Her stepbrother, Alonzo, sent her a picture that cheered her up. She had two step siblings. Alonzo and Amelia. Amelia was 4 and Alonzo was 12. Whenever Papi had visited her family, he always brought the kids.
     They arrived at the school and Kayla noticed it was huge. She went up to the front desk and they gave her a locker number.
The only reason Kayla was popular at her old school was because her friends made her look real cute and girly. She was smaller than them all so they gave her their old clothes. Now all she had was the cheap clothes her mom bought her. She had a few cute outfits from Spain, like the one she wore yesterday. But she saved them for a special day.
   "Number... 596...." Kayla muttered to herself. Most of the kids in the school were either white or mixed race, not that it mattered to her but it was the same as the bus. Kayla didn't think much of it but it she noticed.
   Somebody ran in to Kayla knocking her books to the ground. It was an average height, mexican boy. He had brown short hair and greenish blueish eyes that looked like little oceans. He was wearing a white v-neck shirt that had paint splatter designs on it with a denim jacket and a long black necklace with a music note on it.
    Kayla picked up her books and noticed he took her journal. She ran after him. Once she caught up to him she tapped him on the shoulder. "excuse me..." She said trying not to sound mean. "I think you have something that belongs to me" she exclaimed pointing to a black journal with Kayla imprinted in gold lettering that was in his hands. "Oh sor-" The boy started before Kayla grabbed it from his hands and turned to walk away. As she walked towards her locker the boy said. "MY NAMES THOMAS...... by the way" He stood there thinking about how stupid he was by grabbing a notebook that said Kayla.
     "Watch were your going" Kayla thought to herself while walking away. Her first class was Algebra. Kayla sat down and a red haired girl sat down by her. "Hey" Kayla said cheerily. "You sound funny" The red head girl laughed. Kayla gave her a sassy confused look. "Excuse me?" She asked. "You got a silly Mexican accent" The red haired girl said still giggling. "And you got an ugly ass Chicago accent" Kayla said snapping at her, then found a different seat. While walking away she said "Oh and by the way is Spanish not Mexican."
      The red haired girl approached the teacher and pointed at Kayla. The teacher called Kayla to his desk. "Hi Ma'am im Mr. Delaughter." The teacher started. "So..." he began. Kayla already knew he was about to talk to her about how you shouldn't insult people like that. "You cussed in my class?" He said. Kayla shot him a confused look. She thought to herself. "Did the red haired girl not mention what she said?" "Since you're new i'll let you off with a warning." The teacher said. "But I never want to hear it again" Kayla nodded at Mr Delaughter and walked to her seat.
      The red haired girl shot her a smart alik look. This school was so much different then Kayla's other school was a lot different than East Ridge. Kayla couldn't wait till this year was over and it just started. She knew it would SUCK!

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