Chap 37

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Mark smiled.

He'd risk his life. He tried changing Jackson, he tried. But Jackson was too greedy. He greed money. That was why he'd free the hostages.

He would free those people but they were in a bigger group and he's had enough.

He wanted his boss to get caught, locked in jail. People like his boss lacked humanity, he did anything for money, just like his brother, Jackson.

People asked, why didn't he leave? He tried but he'd only be brought back into this mess, all because Jackson was his blood related brother.

Jackson would promise him that he would change but that was all a lie. He was stupid to fall for his promises that were all broken.

Promises are just meant to be broken.

The door to room the boys were tied up at opened. The boys were all sleeping. They were exhausted. Their legs were hurting. They've been a standing position long enough for their legs to have maybe gave up.

The body guards of X threw water at them, making them wake up. They had tired eyes, Namjoon had a busted lip and they all looked like they were going to collapse anytime soon.

Everywhere ached in their body.

Jackson grinned.

'Why hello guys. Guess what day is today?' He asked.

The boys only kept quiet.

'It's torture day.' He smirked. Mark looked at the boys with worried eyes. Mark wasn't always included between conversations with their boss. That was because their plans tend to backfire when Mark was present.

'Who should we start with eh?' Jackson asked as he walked towards where Jin's girlfriend was. He lifted his hand before slowly caressing her cheek. She flinched at his touch. It was cold and uncomfortable.

Jin squirmed in his position.

He wasn't happy.

He wanted to just personally skin him alive.

Jin's girlfriend whimpered and had her eyes closed shut touch. She was afraid.

'Don't touch her!' Jin shouted out.

'Stop touching her!' He struggled. He kicked his tired feet around. He tried freeing himself but the rope was tied too tight. The more he struggled, the more it was just going to cut his wrist.

'Tape him.' X said. His bodyguards took a roll of tape out before walking to Jin, forcefully taping his mouth shut.

Jin was still screaming. His eye grew big and he squirmed more.

'Should we put on a show for your boyfriend there?' Jackson asked. His breath hot on Jin's girlfriend's neck. She didn't focus on Jackson. Her eyes were directed to the guy beside her, her boyfriend.

Her vision blurred. She was going to cry.

Jackson forcefully grabbed her chin before force kissing her. Jin squirmed more.

His face red with anger. If he wasn't tied, he would have beaten Jackson to death.

A tea rolled down from her eyes.

'I'm sorry Jin.' She apologized in her thoughts. She didn't kiss back. It was forceful. Jin's kisses were gentle and the kisses he gave made butterflies erupt in her stomach, it made her have this tingly feeling.

Jin was hit on the back of his neck before his eyes rolled back. His body dropped as he was knocked out of consciousness.

The other boys only watched in horror.

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