Chap 18

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After plopping herself down on the couch with a cup of tea, she then continued to read her book. Soon after, she got tired and slept. 

That was until Yoongi started trashing the whole hospital room again. 

'Jesus!' Yoongi huffed. He wasn't exactly trashing the whole hospital room. He was more like a blind person trying to find his way through the dark. 

His only light source was from the dim light from the moon, shining through those blinds. 

'What do you want?' Shan shot up awake. She was in a way scared that he might actually trash the hospital room like what had Jin described to her, it wasn't a nice sight to imagine. The was also no way she could ever held him down since it took like 2 to tie him down. 

'Oppa just wanted some water.' Yoongi sighed, getting up from the floor. The floor was slippery, no doubt he slipped and fell. 

'Does anywhere hurt?' She asked as she turned the lights on to pour him a glass of water. 

'My butt does but I'm alright.' He said. He sat up on the bed while she passed him his cup of water. 

'Careful, it's warm.' She smiled. Dark circles were around her eyes. She was lacking of sleep but she knew she has to help him, or at least till he's better so she didn't mind.

'Hey.' He said, turning his gaze to the young lass standing by the hospital table. 

'I know you probably didn't know but I asked this question to the members but they didn't want to tell me anything.' He sighed. 

'I don't know if you know but do you know where exactly my soon-to-be wife is?' He asked. That got her tongue-tied. She didn't know how to respond. 

What to answer? How to answer? 

Questions ran through her mind. 

'Hey?!' Yoongi sounded, slightly impatient with the way she was acting. 

'Oh uh, sorry, I don't.' she said simply and plop herself down on the couch. 

'Anyways go back to sleep, you have a lot of things to do tomorrow. You need all the energy you can get.' She smiled. 

'Do you want the lights off or on?' She asked again. 

'Please leave it on.' He replied, getting under the thin blankets they provided in the hospital. 

'Awww, is wittle Yoongi scared?' She stuck her tongue out. She knew the hospital was an eerie place to be in but nevertheless she still wanted to be a doctor. Hence this is why she had opened up her own clinic rather than work in a hospital. 

'Shut up, I'm not!' Yoongi protested. 

'Alright, alright. Whatever floats on your boat.' She chuckled and opened up her book to read.

Blinking once, blinking twice, Yoongi finally fell into slumber. Slight snores could be heard. 

'Oppa!' A girl shouted. 

'Where are you?!' Yoongi shouted. 

'Come out, come out wherever you are!' He said, turning his gaze left and right, finding for the girl. 

Yoongi hates hide and seek. He's too tired to move and his girlfriend just expects him to walk and actually try to find for her.

He groaned. 

'I'm too tired!' he whined and plopped down on the couch. 

'You're no fun!' She appeared out of nowhere. 

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