chapter 23:Wedding

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"rick?" I asked, shocked. He looks up at us, blood and wounds covered his face. his eyes disappeared from me and on to Judith, his eyes widened.

"is it-" he asked. I nodded, he ran over to me taking Judith out my arms and hugging her. I look around, many people I didn't know, but a certain goup stood in the middle. my mom, Maggie, glenn and daryl, I wsa about to run over but a voice stopped me.

"dad! what happened? whos that?" I turn around, carl stood there out of breath, a girl next to him, she had long brown hair. carl ran over to rick, them all hugging. rick gave Judith to carl and walked over to me. he pulled me into a hug.

"thank you" he whispered in my ear, he walked over to morgan.I looked at carl, he was looking back at me but then turned his head to the other girl.I think that their together. I ignored him and ran over to my mom. "ive missed you so much" I cried, her arms wrapped around me. I cried into her shoulder. I let go, looking at daryl.

"still got your bow?" he smirks. I nod and hug him. I look at Maggie, tears in her eyes. she pulls me in a hug and glenn does too.looking over to clementine, she stands awkwardly. i walk over to her. shes been my bestfriend for months now, shes my little sister.

"don't worry, I'm still doing whatever you want to do. lets just stay the night, decide in the morning" i mutter.


i watched as some of the people start to return to their houses. rick crowds us all together, the girl stood closely to carl.

"zara, you can stay with carol tonight. we will talk through everything tomorrow" he says.

"I'm not leaving clementine" i order. he nods.

"ok, i think there's a spare house, you two can take that one" everyone leaves, i look to the gate. carl and the girl stood there, he gave her a kiss on the cheek. i look down.

"are you okay?" clementine asks.

"yeah, lets go" i held her hand.

i look around the house, no blood anywhere. i looked in the kitchen food scattered on the table. i turned the tap, unexpectedly water came out. "clementine! theirs water!" she ran over to me.

"oh my god! I'm going to have a shower " i let out a laugh as she runs up the stairs. maybe we could stay here? this could all turn out okay? i walked over to the couch, lying down. the moment was interrupted by a knock at the door. I stood up,opening the door.carl stood there with a basket. he looked me in the eye.

"i bought you this, though maybe you were hungry" he says breaking the eye contact. i take the basket.

"thanks" we awkwardly stand.

"thanks for taking care of Judith, i really appreciate it" he scratched the back of his head, i noticed a ring on his finger. "i wanted to give you this, also" i take the piece of paper. 'wedding invitation~ carl and enid' i felt like my whole world just fell down, i felt a tear roll down my eye. i look up at him, he had a sorry expression written all over his face, he tries to speak but i shut the door. i know he didnt even know if i was alive, but it still hurt me, it hurt how the last conversation we had he said he loved me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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