Chapter 5:Forget

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Season 2
Episode 11
They bought Randall back and tied him back in the barn.Things have been tense between me and Lori, whenever I would keep watch with Carl she would always give me a dirty glare. "So, what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we knew the plan" Lori asks rick, Daryl walks over, his crossbow on his back.
"He says they got a gang, 30 men.They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends.They roll through here, they will kill the men.And our women, they're gonna..They're gonna wish they were" Daryl says
"What did you do?" I ask.
"Had a little chat" he says, then walks away.
"No one goes near this guy" rick says.
"Rick, what are you gonna do?" Lori asks walking up to him.
"We have no choice.He's a threat.We have to eliminate the threat"
"You're just gonna kill him?" I say.
"It's settled,I'll do it today" I walked away from the group, going over to the barn to keep watch. I leaned on the wall. I could hear the chains rattling from inside.
"Hello? Hey.Can I get some water? Please? I'm very thirsty" I hear him say from inside. I looked through the gap in the door. His face was covered in blood and bruises, he looked around a few years older than me and Carl. "You look young, how old are you?" He asks.
"Non of your god damn business" I say not turning to look at him. I heard a twig snap, I shot my head to the side,seeing Shane walking up to me.
"Who the hell put you on death watch?" He asked. "Let me ask you something..Say I wanted to go in there right now and I just wanted to take care of this, you gonna stop me?"
"You would do it even if I tried to stop you-" I was interrupted by Andrea walking up to us. I left them to talk and went over to the back of the barn, climbing up. Once i reached the top, I stopped and stared at Randall for a few seconds. He looked up at me.
"What's your name?" He asks, I don't answer "The sheriff guy, with the hat, that you're boyfriend? I like him.Yeah, he's a cool guy.
I can tell. Your mom out there?you're lucky you still got your family.I lost mine.Hey,I don't know what people been saying about me, but I didn't do nothing.Your boyfriends dad was gonna let me go till his friend started fighting with him" I climbed down the ladder. Stopping when I realised how close I was to him. "It got pretty bad.I was kinda worried.My camp, we got lots of supplies.We'll take good care of you.
Keep you safe.You help me, I'll take you and your folks back to my people" I started walking closer to him "You Just gotta help me get out of here, okay? Just help me pick these locks or find the key-" the barn doors creak open and Carl walks in with a gun.
"Zara,What the hell are you doing in here?" Carl pushes Randall up against the wall, aiming his gun at His forehead "What did you say to her?! Let me tell you something I will shoot you where you sit" Carl shouts at him.
"Okay, Carl that's enough!" Shane says as he walks in.
"You talk to her or even look at her again and I will blow you're god damn brains out" Carl threatens him, slowly taking his gun away from his face. Shane looks to me, grabbing me by my shirt.
"Get your ass out this door.Let's go" Shane says pushing me out. "The hell you doing? Zara, that ain't cool, man.You could've gotten hurt in there"
"I can handle myself" I say, patting my shirt down.
"Let me tell you do not go near him again.Do you hear me?"
"You won't tell my mom, will you?" I ask.
"Zara,This isn't about getting in trouble, okay? A guy like that, he will say anything to you.He'll try to make you feel sorry for him.He'll try to make you get your guard down.You let your guard down out here, people die. Now go on" I look to Carl, who shakes his head looking down, while walking the other way.

I run over to Daryl. "Hey Daryl!" I shout. "could I come with you on your hunt?" He looks at me for a second. Then looks to my bow.
"Alright,come on" he says. I follow him.
"You know.. I just want to say I really appreciate all the times you went out to look for Sophia" he doesn't reply. "My mom does as well"
"Do you know how to use that?" He asked, looking at my bow.
"I do, but not very good, I can only shoot things close" I pass him my bow, he pulls the string a few times, and fiddles with it.
"Here, try it now" I pull an arrow up, closing one of my eyes to focus on the tree in front of me, I take a deep breath and let it go.

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