"Val.. Please.. I-". "No. Robert. Please leave me alone. What don't you understand? Do you fuck so many dumb girls that you've lost a part of your brain?" I ask. He frowns. "I'm a changed man." I found myself choking, on my own saliva. "Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" He asks, a concerned look on his face. "Oh. I'm completely fine, I'm just allergic to bull shit." He frowns. I chuckle.

"That was a good one huh?" I ask smiling. "We need to talk." He replies. "No.", "I'll buy you food." I let out a breath. "I'm only going because of the food." I roll my eyes.

Robert's POV

"So how have you been?" I ask. I watch her play with her food. "What do you want Robert?" She asks looking up at me. My eyebrows knit. "I'm just trying to show you that I'm a changed man. That I can give you an explanation now." I explain. She laughs. "You? A man? I don't need your shitty explanations. You cheated on me and you expect me to just forgive you like that? No." She stands up.

"So I bring you to breakfast and you treat me like this?" I ask. She rolls her eyes. "Oh please Robert. You don't deserve respect of any kind. If you think that just bringing me to breakfast, is going to fix things between us, you're wrong." She says. "You're just like your father. A 'man' like that doesn't deserve respect." She air quotes. "I am not like my father!" I scream. People are now watching us, I can care less.

"Yes you are! And you always will be!" I stand up and yank on her wrist. "No I'm not. So those words better not leave that little pretty mouth of yours." Her eyes filled with fear, when we were dating, I'd never set a hand on her. "You're a monster!" She pushes me. "I love you Valerie. I'm still in love with you, all of this was never supposed to happen. You are still supposed to be with me." I let out my feelings.

"You're crazy Robert! I don't love you anymore. I just want you out of my life!" She screams. "This is what happens to us!? Huh!? Just because you were friends with that Whore!?" She stops struggling, she was now staring at me with a shocked expression. "What?" She asks. I let her go.

"No. You're right. You don't need my explanation." I cross my arms. She stood there with her lips parted and her eyes staring intensely, almost watering. I sit down in my chair. She still stood there, dumb struck. There was a ball in my throat. "There is something I do have to tell you though.." I cut through the silence. I look up at her, "I think Lauren's in love with Taehyung." And as the words left my mouth, I had seen something stir in her eyes. She had fallen back into her seat.

It reminded me of the day she found out I was cheating on her. The transition from dark brown iris's to black, as if she was hurt by the words that I had just said. But that couldn't be, could it be possible what Valerie still likes this guy? That all this Lauren and Taehyung 'romance', is hurting her? And the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much of a real bitch Lauren is.  This also reflected on myself, how I was in the beginning. 

"She talks about him like-". "Wait." She interrupts me. I done fucked up. "What?" She asks. I bite my lip. "You've talked to her recently." It wasn't a question, she knew. "Answer me Robert." Anger had strongly taken over her sweet and delicate features. 


Valerie's POV

I was more than confused, he was talking about Lauren as if he knew everything. Or as if he's been in contact with her. Which I'm now aware that he is. There was this uncertainty in my head that some what tied everything together. First, we were talking about how he loved me. Then, our break up. Followed by the weird conversation about Taehyung and how much he knew about Lauren. 

It seemed that what I had in my head, and what I was now thinking about, makes sense. "Robert." I say again, more sternly. "Yes. I've talked to her because I wanted to know if you two were still friends and I wanted to know how you were doing. She kind of brought it up." Bull Shit. I can hear his leg under the table shaking, that's how I knew he was lying. When we were dating that was one of the things I knew about him.

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