Hello? I Am Talking To You!

Start from the beginning

"Teller? Shit,this is a setup!" the kid cried out,trying to escape but I didn't give him the chance. Instead, I took the easy route and shot him in the knee, dropping him immediately.

"Kid, get outta here." I ordered, looking Half Sack in the eye. He nodded gravely and left quickly as everyone piled out of the parking garage. His dark eyes widened and started to back away,only to feel the barrel of Hap's gun press into the nape of his hair then Happy snarled,"Quit fucking moving before I blow your brains out."

"What the fuck do you want?" he hissed, glaring at me. I smirked and bent to meet his eyes then stated calmly,"I want Markus Alvarez dead. And you're gonna help me do so." He scoffed and spat in my face, so I stepped back and waved Tig forward who then slammed his boot into his injured knee.

He cried out and fell forward by my feet then I stepped on his throat and declared,"Now, let's rehash what I just told you three seconds ago. I want your Prez. You, are going to deliver him to us on a silver goddamn platter."

"Why?" he gasped. Chibs shifted on his spot against the wall and answered,"Because he killed our Reaper Princess's parents. So, he deserves to join them in death, lad."

"Now, tell us where he is." Clay ordered,sitting down. The rat shook his head and I pushed more pressure on his throat as Tig did the same to his knee, causing him to scream and beg,"Please stop!I'll tell ya anything! Just stop." I grinned and removed my shoe from his neck then asked,"You were saying?"

"He'll be just outside of Oakland tomorrow at midnight. He'll just have his VP and Sergeant-at-Arms with him, I swear. Just- please don't fucking kill me,man. I gotta girl at home, she's waitin' for me. Please,Teller,you know how it is." the kid begged. I shot a look to Clay then ordered,"Tig, watch him, Make sure his ass don't move."

The rest of us surrounded the Prez then I stated,"This kid can't be no older than our Prospect."

"Jax. Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Clay demanded in a low tone. I shrugged and stated,"We could use the help. Half Sack could use it too. Obviously he has beef with the Mayans or the kid just has trust issues."

"Jackie boy, are you sure about this?" Chibs asked, gripping my arm. I shrugged then questioned, "What's the worst that happens? He tries to rat and we kill him?" They gave some murmurs and I turned to Clay who sighed then snapped,"He rats, it's on you." We walked back to Tig and the kid and stated,"Get him up."

The Sergeant-at-Arms helped him up then I asked,"What's your name,kid?" He sighed and slumped in Tig's arms then stated,"Julio. My name is Julio Menendez ." I nodded and questioned, "Why'd you rat on the Mayans?"

"They fucked me over,man. Killed my little sister in the crossfires of them and the Niners and tried to cover it up. So I prospected for them for a year and they patched me without a second glance at my name. That was their mistake. Now they're fucking payin' for it." Julio hissed, hatred burning in his dark eyes.

I shot a look to Clay who nodded in encouragement then asked Julio,"How would you feel about joining the Sons of Anarchy?" His eyes widened and he exclaimed,"A-are you serious? You want me to join you guys?"

"Yeah,sure,why not? But you even think about ratting, I'll kill you without calling for Mayhem." I declared, turning to Tig,"Get him back to the Clubhouse and Chibs,you go with him. Have Half Sack help you sew this guy up. We'll talk about details in the morning. I have a girlfriend to get back to."

I walked back to my bike with everyone following me then I muttered to Clay lowly,"I told you wouldn't lose my temper." He nodded and replied in the same tone,"So it seems. Let's go home to our girls."

When I arrived at my house, all the lights except for one was off and I frowned, hoping Libby was alright. I walked inside and stripped off my cut and jacket then toed off my shoes before I called out,"Babe? I'm home." I wondered into the living room which was the lit room and smiled when I spotted Libby lying on the couch, curled up wearing my SAMCRO gray hoodie.

I scooped her into my arms and carried her in my room before curling up in front of her, pulling the covers over both our bodies.

"Jax? How'd it go tonight?" she murmured sleepily as she held my hand. I gave her a small kiss on the mouth then answered,"Sleep, gorgeous. We'll talk in the morning. Kay?" She gave a tired nod and mumbled as she started to dose back off,"Kay. Night,Jax."

"Night,Libs." I waited until I knew for sure she was asleep before I whispered the words I was too afraid to say to her when she's awake,"I love you,Libby Parker."

Hey,guys!!!! I know, I know, it's been too damn long since I've updated and I'm sorry but my life is just getting rougher with the chance of changing and moving into a different school looming over my head, Tell It To The Crows was probably so low on my list of things to do, Lucifer could high five Jax and Libby. Yeah, it was that low. But I've updated! So yay!! And there's a new addition to SAMCRO! SURPRISE! Hope you liked this. So,um,yeah, comment, vote, and share. Oh and of course, enjoy!

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