The Ridiculously Ambiguous Prophesy Takes Us West

Start from the beginning

Chiron shut the door behind us.

''Thalia's going to be coming on the quest with us. We should probably leave soon.'' I told them both. ''What's up with you?''

Alister poked at Seymour's sleeping head. I felt I should probably warn him that Seymour was not dead, but I decided not to.

''We'll have someone get some luggage ready and Argus will take you where you need to go in a car.'' He tugged on his beard thoughtfully. ''Also, Caprice has something she would like to show you.''

Thalia slapped Alister's hand away from Seymour, and we looked at Caprice expectantly.

''Well. . ." Caprice began. ''I know people have a hard time looking into my eyes. It's an effect of the mist. It also has to do with the reason my eyes are brown instead of green.'' She tugged on her shirt sleeve nervously.

She gestured for me to come closer to her.

''Look into my eyes. Try really hard not to look away.'' She told me when I sat next to her.

I stared anticipating nothing.

''Xylee, stop looking away.'' She slapped my arm gently.

I wasn't aware that I was. In fact I was sure I was looking directly into her eyes.

''Try again.'' She said softly.

Again I stared into her brown eyes. The whole situation was a little weird to me, but I would bet my leather jacket that I was not looking away. Alas, Caprice sighed and tapped my arm again.

"Come on," She said gently. "You can do it, Xylee. Try it one more time."

I tried again, really not having a clue what I was supposed to be doing. I always thought I could look Caprice in the eyes easily. I never saw anything weird. Trying to intensify my stare I focused on pulling layers away. I didn't know why though.

Suddenly I felt my vision clear. It was amazing. A fuzziness in my brain I didn't know existed disappeared.

Looking into her eyes was like watching T.V. I saw a bunch of random scenes, appearing, disappearing and getting replaced by others.

''Whoa!'' I covered my mouth. ''How is that happening?''

''It's the fates idea of a joke.'' She shrugged her shoulders. ''When they spun me to be the Oracle, I didn't only get random visions, I got this.''

''That's amazing.'' Now I couldn't look away. ''How does it work? Who are these people? Wait- how does this explain not having green eyes?''

Caprice leaned back and pushed my head away so I could stop staring.

''The things you're seeing are the future of others.'' Chiron said, folding his hands in front of him. ''Nothing too brutal or important, just everyday things. They seem to be linked with Caprice's emotions. It would be almost impossible to see a scene of one of our futures. And the amount of pigment from all of those visions has resulted in Caprice having brown eyes.''

Alister cleared his throat.

''Can we see?'' He gestured to him and Thalia.

''Yes.'' Caprice laughed. ''Come here, you two.''

While Caprice was teaching Alister and Thalia how to look her in the eye, Chiron got some campers to get bags for us and got Argus to get a car ready.

Once we'd gotten everything we needed to do done, we grabbed our bags and made our way up half-blood hill.

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