36 - Home Sweet... Misery?

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Chapter 36 - Home Sweet... Misery?

My head turned to the kitchen where Carson's mom was calling for him. He excused himself to help her, and left just Edith and me by ourselves.

If I was sitting here with just his mom or dad, I'd have no idea what to say, but Edith made it so easy to hold down a conversation with her.

"So is Carson your favorite?" I joked, knowing that with her, it wouldn't get taken too seriously. But my voice came out stressed and I tried my hardest to choke it back.

She gave me a strange look but answered without questioning me. "Yes he is." She smiled and I did a double take. "His brothers are just like his dad. Very arrogant and discourteous, but Carson has a genuine heart. It makes it no wonder than he found you." I smiled at her but then realized what she said.

"So all those boys are his brothers?" Through blurry eyes, I looked at the four men that I initially noticed and it made sense now, as to why they looked so much alike.

She nodded and continued. "And the wives aren't much different than them." She shook her head in shame. "That's the reason I left Carson's grandpa. He raised Ken," That was Carson's dad. "to be just like him. I thought leaving him would help prevent it, but it didn't. All the men in that family are so full of themselves, and only a trophy wife on their arm is enough to satisfy them."

That explains Ken's less than thoughtful words to me. All the wives were indeed beautiful. I'd consider myself average, but they were stunning. All blonde with model like looks. Even their kids were beautiful, yet their bodies looked untouched by pregnancy.

I remember my mother always had fuller hips and a little pouch, but in her highschool prom photo, she was drop dead gorgeous with firm, perfect curves. She never said a thing about her post-children body though, because she knew it created something beautiful. But these women, how they even maintained such a put together, flawless look, was beyond me.

"Carson is different though. I'd like to think I had something to do with it. He always spent most of his time with me, and he was such a grandma's boy." You could tell she fully embraced her words, feeling deep emotion with every sentence.

"I'm sure you did." I smiled and she smiled back.

"Food is ready!" I acknowledged Carson's voice, chiming over everyone else's.

He walked over to Edith, looping an arm around her, and helping her up from the couch. "I'm not that old." She pushed away from him and I loved her spunk.

I stood up, clearing my throat as I did. It felt like it was tight and I wasn't sure why. "Are you okay?" Carson put a hand on my face and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." The words came out stuffy sounding, but he didn't seem to notice.

We took our seats around a long wooden table. It would've been a little crammed but it fit us well, with the children sitting at their own shorter table.

Carson sat to my left and Edith sat to my right. I felt secure with them by my sides.

"So Whitney." I raised my head to see the person talking to me. It was his dad and I was nervous about what he could say to humiliate me in front of a table of people. "What do your parents think of my son?" He had that deep, proud sound and I was left at a loss for words.


Carson cleared his throat and looked at his dad, shaking his head. But his dad didn't seem to catch on he pressed further. "He sure spends a lot of time with you, so they must like having him around."

I looked around nervously. Everyone was staring at me like they were wondering what the hell my problem is, so I did my best at giving an answer that they couldn't question anymore. "Actually, my parents passed away when I was thirteen." I smiled and resumed eating.

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