33 - Pouring Pumpkin

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Chapter 33 - Pouring Pumpkin

There was an enticing aroma of pumpkin wafting through the house. The second I hit the living room, I could smell cinnamon and nutmeg floating in the mixture.

It was nearly too could to be true. I hadn't smelled anything like in years. The distinct scent of home baked goods could not be mistaken. It gave a home it's own fresh, comforting essence.

I assumed it was a dream but my nose carried me to the kitchen where it only became stronger and my mouth watered. I could practically taste it as it called my name, Whitney, Whitney, eat me.

The kitchen was significantly warmer and more humid than the rest of the house but it wasn't enough to take away the goosebumps covering my legs.

My eyes adjusted to the bright light, and as I slowly opened them, I saw that Melissa had splatters of pumpkin up her arms.

She bent over to open the oven as it beeped, and the second that door was down, my taste buds went haywire.

She was up to something delicious, and I wanted in.

I walked further in just as she turned around and yelped. The pan clattered against the floor and orange sprayed across the tile.

"Damn it!" She let out a huff of air and my body melted into disappointment. "You scared me!" Her bangs were matted to her forehead with sweat and she looked exhausted. There was flour stuck to her face, clumping into the wetness, and pumpkin puree was smeared down her cheek.

In my sleepy state, I simply stared at the food on the floor. My shoulders were slouched over, and I felt like a zombie. That poor, poor food. It wasn't supposed to end that way. It was supposed to die a beautiful death in my stomach.

Lifting my head, I looked outside the window. The sun was barely up and you could see it just peeking through some trees and houses. The air still had that early morning dampness and thick fog dimmed the light of daybreak. I looked at the clock on the stove and shook my head.

"Curse your food waking me up this early." It was barely seven, way too early for this cold time of year when I'd usually sleep in until the sun rose and warmed the air a bit. I could feel the chill of wind coming through the old wood window frame and as a reflex, my body quivered. We really needed to get some plastic on there.

"I'm trying, okay?" Melissa looked annoyed and devastated as she began wiping up the mess. She was still in her clothes from last night and they were filthy from baking.

"Trying to do what?" Despite being ice cold and not wanting to unfold my arms, I knelt down and joined her in cleaning up the mess.

"Levi told me about your mom's pie." I immediately let out a warmhearted laugh. This was a hopeless case, and I totally appreciate what she's trying to do, but no one, and I mean no one could re-create Aerial Park's pumpkin pie. "I figured I could at least make pumpkin something for you guys."

Ohh, okay. I see now.

"Well thank you." I picked up the pan and placed it in the sink, coming to realize there were many other dirty baking sheets and ceramic bowls already taking up the space. "What are all these?" My eyebrows knitted together and I looked at Melissa who looked about ready to have a mental break down. She was in her own personal crisis, and I'm sure it had more to do with pleasing Levi, than me.

"I tried my hand at pumpkin everything, okay?!" She was clearly stressed out and by the bags under her eyes, I wondered how long she'd been down here. She was the last one up when we all went to bed, and by the looks of it, she never followed behind.

Beyond My Boundaries | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora