Chapter 29~Not Dating

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"Bmrmf." Sherlock mumbled, his face buried in my sweater. I was sitting on the couch reading a book when he came in and fell right on top of me.

"Bored, I know." I said absentmindedly. I ran a hand through his hair, something I couldn't stop doing lately.

"When's the next case?" He asked. I checked my watch.

"Well, it's five after two, so probably-when Lestrade calls, I've told you a million times!"

"Why do I have to wait for Lestrade?" He complained.

"Because he's the one who gets you all your cases." Sherlock got up and stomped over to the kitchen. He started to shuffle around. He moved out of my sight, and I heard glass clinking.

"What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing!" He tried to sound innocent. I focused back on my book, keeping an eye on him in my peripheral vision. Sherlock came back into the room, a cup in his hand. He handed it to me.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Tea. I made tea." I raised an eyebrow. I took the cup and walked into the kitchen. I sat down at the table by Sherlock's microscope. I prepared a slide. Looking into the lens, I saw little foreign moving things that DID NOT look like tea.

"You drugged it." I said. He looked down and tried to find the right words.

"Well, I'm doing this experiment where-"

"Sherlock Holmes, your experiment privileges are revoked!" I smacked him on the arm. He crossed his arms. I went back into the living room, rubbing my forehead.

"Where's John? I can't do this single parenting thing."

"He went shopping." Sherlock replied. I grabbed my jacket.

"Come on, we're going out."
Sherlock followed me through the parking lot, trying to read what was on my phone from over my shoulder.

"What are we doing here?" He asked. My eyes locked on the target, and I pulled Sherlock down behind a car with a smirk.

"Giving you something to do." I answered. John walked past us, carrying a load of grocery bags.

"By following John?" He said.

"By spying on John." I raised my phone and snapped a creepy picture of him. I turned to Sherlock.

"Where do you reckon he'll go next?" I asked, smiling. Sherlock ran his eyes over him.

"Dry cleaners, he's got a date tonight."

"Very good, grasshopper. You are learning." I said in a deep voice. John got in a cab.

"Quick!" I grabbed Sherlock's arm. "He's getting away!"
"Alright, we've followed him to the grocery store, the dry cleaners, the pharmacist, the bank, and the hardware store." Sherlock complained. I stared out the window, keeping an eye on John. He was having dinner with his girlfriend in the restaurant across the street. Sherlock and I were in the restaurant directly opposite, sitting by the window.

"Patience, grasshopper." I said. "All good things come to those-"

"Who wait, I know I know."

"I was gonna say to those who strike at the perfect moment but yours works too." Sherlock kept checking his phone.

"Lestrade will call when there's a case." I said. He crossed his arms. I stared back out the window, drinking from my glass. I felt Sherlock looking at me.

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