Eighteen: Hairpin-Trigger

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"How'd you end up in Australia?" Harley prodded.

Edvin carried the pot of pasta to the sink beside Harley so he could strain it, "I'm anxious. I like to wander and I'm a Jack of all trades. I've been pretty much everywhere. Australia was just where I was at when the virus hit"

Harley lifted her legs up to the countertop and crossed them, "What kinds of jobs have you had?"

Edvin laughed, "Oh, uhm let's see, I'll name some of the more interesting ones: I've been a shark tagger, a bladesmith, an oyster harvester, stunt driver, competitive lumberjack"

"Yeah right," Harley scoffed doubtfully.

"Scout's honor," Edvin insisted, placing his hand over his heart.

Harley looked over to John to see him resting his head on his hand, looking bored or tired. Likely both.

"John was a homicide detective," she told Edvin, pointing toward John with her thumb.

"Now there is something I could never do. Too much ugliness," Edvin commented.

Harley smiled at John, "Well he's a tough one"

That was the very first compliment Harley had ever given John. He wasn't sure she was even capable of paying compliments up to that point. He felt blessed for it but didn't intend on holding his breath while he waited for the next one. John returned Harley's smile with a humble closed lipped grin of his own.

"And what about you? What did the savoir of mankind do before the apocalypse?" Edvin asked as he separated the pasta equally into four bowls.

Harley unfolded her legs and jumped down from the counter, "I worked at a laundromat"

Edvin couldn't help but chuckle, "Humanity's redeemer slung dryer sheets and laundry detergent"

"And helped idiots who couldn't figure out how to put coins into the machines," Harley added.

Just then, the front door opened and Robby walked in, just in time to eat.

The four of them gathered around the table and sat down to the meal Edvin had prepared. Harley continued to drink, earning curious looks from Robby and concerned glances from John.

Edvin seemed pleased though.

John supposed that Edvin probably felt like he was the cool guy in the group, ready to throw caution to the wind and show Harley a good time. John wasn't sure that he liked Edvin very much, although he could already tell that Harley was taking a shine to him. Edvin's plan, for the time being, seemed to be working.

By the time dinner was finished, Harley had polished off the bottle of wine and was, in John's opinion, uncomfortably unpredictable.

She booped his nose far more than he would have liked, but at least it was him being booped and not Edvin, who John was sure wanted to be the one getting booped.

As John and Robby did the dishes, Harley went to the living room to find Rebel just waking from his puppy nap. She scooped him up, showering him with kisses, then dizzily made her way outside to let him do his business.

Harley put the pup down and let her body fall lazily onto the grass so she could look up at the sky. Rebel had other ideas though, and threw his body into her face, excited for the opportunity to be on an equal playing field for once. Harley shook her head from side to side, blowing air out through pursed lips as Rebel assaulted her with wet puppy kisses.

"Lucky pup," Edvin's voice sounded from beyond Harley's limited line of sight.

Harley pulled Rebel away from her face and lifted her head, "Huh?"

"Nothing. He's really cute," Edvin deflected as he paced over to Harley and sat across from her.

Harley turned onto her side and rested her head on her hand, "Found him in a shed. He would've died if I hadn't"

"The world isn't very kind these days," Edvin noted as Rebel took to chewing on his finger.

Harley snorted, "It never was, mate." She rolled onto her back once again, spreading her arms out at her sides.

"It wasn't so bad," Edvin disputed, "Much better than it is now"

Harley pulled the beak of her hat down over her eyes, "If you say so"

"You don't think so?" Edvin furrowed his brow.

Harley crossed her ankles and rested her hands on her tummy, "Its quieter now. Most days. It's peaceful"

"You like the way it is now," Edvin said, more as an observation than a question, "Why are you going to Sydney then? Why are you doing this?"

Harley shrugged, "Something to do"

At this, Edvin chuckled, "You're an odd one, Harley," he smiled and stood up from the grass, "Common, let's go back in. Your boyfriend is probably getting antsy"

"My what?" Harley asked as she lifted the beak of her hat back up.

"John," Edvin clarified as he held his hand out to assist Harley.

She laughed as she grabbed Rebel then got to her feet, ignoring Edvin's waiting hand, "That's funny"

"Sorry, I just assumed," Edvin replied, smiling inwardly.

Harley walked ahead of Edvin back into the house and up into the living room where she plopped down onto the couch.

Edvin followed suit, sitting at the opposite end.

Harley rubbed her eyes and yawned, feeling drowsy from combining three glasses of wine and a full meal.

Within moments she was dozing off, but it seemed Edvin had other plans. Trying to be playful, he reached over and half-poked, half-tickled Harley's side, thinking it would be funny to surprise her.

But the reaction Edvin had intended to produce was far from what he received.

Harley jolted and flew off of the couch, "Don't fucking touch me!"

Edvin recoiled, his eyes wide in shock and raised his hands in surrender, "I'm sorry!?"

At the sound of Harley's outburst, John and Robby dashed into the living room.

"What did you do!" John roared as he stomped toward a still seated Edvin, ready to throw down.

"I don't know?" He admitted, looking confused.

Harley didn't stick around to participate in the unfolding scene. She grabbed Rebel, stomped hurriedly down the hallway and into her and John's bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

They Will Run You DownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora