54) Interviewing Nariana

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I nodded and headed out with the girls.

"So how was your day of shopping?" I asked, sitting in the back window seat.

"It was fun. But once again, I wore the wrong shoes." Nina complained.

I laughed, "We need to get you some flats."

"Yes we do." She agreed.

As Ava drove home, I was constantly bounding my leg. Was Nathan okay? What was he up to? Why is he so busy?

We finally got to the house as we all piled out and into the house. I headed to my room where I took a shower and changed back into Nathan's sweatshirt and different dance shorts. 

It was late so I decided to get a quick supper and head to bed. I headed downstairs where I took out a tub of fruits. I grabbed a fork and headed upstairs.

"Good night, girls." I smiled.

"Good night, Dani." Nareesha waved before I headed up and into my room. 

I closed the door behind me as I headed into Nathan's room across the bathroom. Luckily, Nathan's door was closed as well. I jumped into his bed, as I turned on the tv. On was MTV and guess who it was about?

Nathan and Ariana. They went on a tour around one of China's cities and they were having a bit about them. I smiled at how Nathan dressed since I picked it out for him. It showed quite a few pictures of them, and each time, Nathan wore the necklace. And surprisingly, one of the beanies we shared.

I opened my laptop to see Nathan was once again online. His profile picture was a picture of him during one of his concerts with a chain in his mouth. Every time I see that picture, I bite my lip a bit.

As I called Nathan, it took a while for him to pick up. But he did.

"Hi sloth." I smiled.

He looked at me with sorrow. "Hey Dani."

"Are you okay, Sykes?"

"Yeah. I am just sorry about earlier. I was busy." 

"Busy as on a date with Ariana?" I asked raising an eye brow.

"Oh! Busted!" I heard Tom in the background.

"Yeah. I am sorry, love. It was for the media. They would be expecting something like that." Nathan told me sadly.

I nodded, "I get it, Sykes. It's fine." 

"So where are you guys?" I questioned.

"We're on the tour bus heading to another city. All night trip." He explained.

I Will Be Strong For You (A Nathan Sykes Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin