PART IV: Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

Another clip from my interview: "Do you think you'll be a bigger target in the Games because you're already a fan favourite?"

"Potentially, yes."

Sweeney cut Hermione's hair. Me, first discovering the river and the look of sheer relief on my face. Sweeney cut Hermione's throat, then his own wrists. Myself, beginning to head back to camp that day. Christine and Phil walking toward the camp with firewood in hand. I knew what was going to happen next, though I didn't expect to see Tate's face on it. He threw the grenade before they could even see the bodies. Me again, this time running from something. I couldn't even remember when that had been. Brendon drinking alcohol sent by sponsors. Tate swinging blades at Sherlock and Molly. Rory and I trying to decide where to go next.

"If my math is correct, and then there were seven."

I hardly even remembered saying that.

Rory going to the river. Me going toward the berry trees. A feminine scream piercing the air. Rory running. Myself inspecting berries on one tree, then moving to another. Rory stabbing Tate, then helping Avril up and running away with her. A close-up of my fingers getting pricked by thorns. Rory and Avril running. Me, late at night, going back to where we'd agreed to meet and being puzzled when I didn't find him there.


Rory killed someone.

I'd had no idea. Until now I had assumed Avril had been the one to kill Tate, not Rory.

Once again, no time to dwell on it.

Next the screen showed Rory, Avril, and me sitting by the river and sleeping in shifts until Avril ran off on her own.

"Well," I watched as the Doctor on the screen clapped her hands together. "Rise and shine, we have to live through today sometime."

The cameras followed us to the dark cave where we watched the Cornucopia from far away. Rory getting shot at. Running. Running. Running. I returned to the cave for the night. Over the scene, more dialogue from my first interview played.

"Does this mean you're invincible? Immortal, even?"


The camera also caught broken clips of Rory and Moira seeing each other. Kissing each other. I stared – Rory was insane. He was seeing his wife in her. I hadn't known how crazy the Games were making him, but it was too late for regrets at this point. They were both gone. Gonegonegonegonego-

The rest I'd seen before; I had been there for it. Still, the third-person perspective of it was strange. Rory being stabbed with an arrow while being kissed. What was his last thought? Did he at least die happy, thinking he was kissing Amy? My eyes filled with tears, and I blinked them away. I needed to watch this.

Avril's yell that had gotten me running toward where chaos had ensued was her skewering Moira. At least she'd still been somewhat loyal to us. Maleficent got to the site before I did and stabbed Avril the same way. The camera captured my incredulous face as Isaac flew by and stabbed her.

The next few clips were just of me, looking thinner, more worn out, more worried as time went on. The longest clip in the entire video slowly zoomed in on me, visibly trembling, sheer insanity striking into my eyes. I felt like I'd mostly recovered since then, but the sight of me in such a state, muttering over and over to myself, havetokillhavetokillhavetokillhavet-

It was truly scary.

Isaac tripped over a root, and the root didn't let go. A final cannon went off and the whole video played backward rapidly, until we went back to the Reaping. It showed in slow motion as I raised my hand to volunteer, took the gun from a Peacekeeper and shot myself so I could be in the Games. Imagine if that hadn't happened. Would Rose have won?

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