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   Make me believe that there is something more.

  Focus on what's real. The bed. The fan... The fan. Staring at the spinning blades seemed mesmerizing. There has to be something wrong with me. Focus on the fan you fool.

   A knock at the door broke my trance. Do I have to answer it? A few moments passed, and they began knocking again.

    "Hey sleepy head, wake up!" said the muffled stranger.

    "Nick, don't make me call you!"

    I perked up, no time to get dressed. Im in an apartment? One bed, one bathroom, and a kitchen. Nice.

   The voice, now clearly from a female was getting impatient, and knocked harder than before.
"Hey asshole, open the fucking door. I have groceries."

    I unlocked the door and opened in. Stunned initially by the sun.
"Finally! Jeez, what took you so long...? Go put some clothes and help me get the groceries from the car."

"Alright. Sorry.. Sorry.," Rubbing my eyes. "I didn't sleep very well last night."

    Startled, Rose.. at my apartment? Bringing groceries? Does she live with me? Are we in a relationship? Stop thinking, she needs you now. You need to be there. I tore up the drawers looking for pants. Ooh, a bra? She does live here. I tore through a few drawers before finding some sweat pants. Slipped them on and a pair of flip-flops. Im a guy, I don't need a shirt to go outside.

    I peeked to see if she was in the apartment and saw the door open. So I decided to bolt out the door, and down the nearest staircase. What car was I looking for?

    "Hey loser, over here!" Rose shouted.

    I ran over to her to take all the bags from her.
"Is there anymore bags?" I questioned.

     "Nope.. What's the rush? You seem off.."

     "To be honest, I have no clue what's happening right now." I started struggling with all of the bags.

    "Look, you can't take care of everything for me.. Let me help you carry something."

    "I'll be fine, I got it."

    "If ya say so.." she replied as if offended.

    We made it back inside the apartment and I laid out the groceries. She began putting all of the groceries in the fridge in a very organized manner.

    "Does it matter whether the fridge is organized or not?"

    "This is how I always do it?" She laughed.

    "I guess I forgot, I guess last night really messed me up..."

    "I can't seem to remember much of anything." I replied nervously.

    "Well, let me give you a quick recap. You're 26 years old and I'm 25. My name is Rose, and yours is Nick. Your sorry ass fell in love with me before you really got to know me. I was dating a guy named Marcus when we first met in high school. You and I have been dating a few years, and this isn't the first time you've lost all of your memory."

    "Well, that's certainly a lot of.. information.. to process." Something is wrong with me.

    "Do I have a job?" I inquired.

    "Nope, you're loaded."

    "Loaded?" I questioned.

    "You used to sing for a band, made it big. Then it all fell apart. You lost your mind on your first tour and forgot everything."

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