"Wish I was someone else"

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"Why would I ever want to be someone else?" Rose stared off into the distance before responding. "Well, maybe you could answer your own questions if you weren't such a dummy, Marcus!" She giggled, then... punched me in the shoulder. "Love you too, Rose.." I said with a devious grin. "If I wasn't me, I wouldn't be with you." Rose leaned in pecked me on the cheek retorting "Mhmm.. you got that right."

Silence had befallen us as we strutted down the street. Maybe both of us we're thinking about what things would be like without the other person. Would it be better or worse? Is there someone else out there meant for me? This could not be healthy. Who even wishes to be someone else? Someone who isn't happy with there life? Someone who isn't satisfied? I'm content with my life, and all I'll ever need is.. "Rose, are you.. alright? You've seemed off lately.." Rose seemed to choke on her thoughts, she wasn't walking the same either. She kept silent, and kept walking.. Trying to hide the tears streaming down her face. What did I do..?.. " Rose?... Rose?.. what's the matter?" She was breaking.

Clearly the silence had done a number on her. Why is she upset? Wait.. who's Marcus? I caught my reflection in a car window. Short and shaggy hair, bushy eyebrows, and a recently shaved face. Who the hell am I? In a flash the world went dark; all the street lamps went out, and there where other lights in sight. "Rose? Rose! Where are you? ROSE!" I couldn't hear my own screams and I didn't know where I began and where the darkness ended. I was everything, and at the same time I was nothing.

Then the lights came back on, and there's... a buzzing in my pocket? I pull out my phone and answer it. "Hey there, I'm Jeff from your health insurance provider Humaro. I would like to discuss what our new policy can do for you. Is this.. Erin Everhart?" "Sure?" "Alright Erin, could you provide your Humaro ID number, and the last four digits of your social security number for me?" I thought for a moment. "Mr. Everhart, are you there?"... "Not interested." I replied, before hanging up. I scratched my chest and dragged myself off the couch. I roamed the house looking for a bathroom; strangely.. I did not know this place. Did I have too much to drink last night? I stumbled through another door and found myself in front of a sink and mirror. Am I seeing things? "Is this some sort of prank?" I splashed some water on my face, trying to wash away this illusion. "Who the hell am I!?" In complete and utter frustration I shattered the mirror into a million pieces. "Fuck!" My hand felt like it was on fire; blood was dripping everywhere. Then I heard a familiar voice.

"Dad?.. Dad!? What's going on?" It was Rose. "Yeah.. yeah.. go back to your room, I'm fine." She came to the door holding a bat in her hand. "Yeah, you sure do look fine... What did you do?" "What's it look like? The mirror jumped out and bit me!.." "Dad..." "Im fine.. go back to your room.." I growled. Rose was clearly concerned, but decided to listen to me anyways. I waited a few moments, then started pulling glass shards out of my hand. I'd imagine without all the adrenaline pumping through my veins; the pain would be a lot worse. I found some bandages under the sink and sloppily wrapped my hand up, then I downed some pain pills I found in the cabinet. I walked out and found myself looking at a clock, it was four sixteen in the afternoon. "I need a drink." I grumbled. Since when do I drink? Since now..? I opened the fridge and picked up the first bottle I saw, struggled the cap off and then took a big sip. Then another sip, and another.. Bottle after bottle. Hours turned into minutes, and minutes into seconds. I dozed off in a saddening groggy haze.

"Hey? Nick?...Nick.." My voice sounded lovely. I glanced down. I. Have. Boobs. Oh, and.. I have long hair! "Oh my god!!! Im Rose!" I danced around the room excitedly, trying to ignore all the strange looks Im getting from the people around me. I catch a glimpse of Nick again, and cover my face. "What am I doing? Nick is passed out.." Everyone worriedly rushed over; the professor had to push his way through.. "Nick. Quit playing games.." I didn't respond. I mean.. Nick didn't respond.. "He's breathing, but clearly.. he's not responding.." the professor shrugged... "Sit em up, we don't have time for this." I watched as they dragged me, lifted me into a chair and left me there. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On? Im not Nick, I am Rose, Rose Everhart.

Bell rang, and class was dismissed. Nick didn't even flinch. Everyone walked out as if nothing happened. "What kind of world do we live in?" I scoffed.. with my cutesy voice. I looked down at my cleavage again.. Yep, still got boobs. Focus. I pranced over to Nick, then tried to wake him up, but why do I care so much? I pulled his hair, slapped his face, and even tried prying his eyes open.. No response. What would a boy have a really hard time resisting..? "Hey Nick, Im taking my shirt off!!".. No response.. So I took off my shirt, and the air felt like icicles stabbing my bare skin. I gazed upon my spectacular example of a perfect human body and I wondered if I'd ever see her like this again.

And suddenly I felt normal again. As I went to raise my head, I realized who might be in front of me. "Hey Rose.. Mind putting on your shirt?" Startled, she replied "What!? Why is it even off in the first place?" She doesn't recall what just happened... Not that anything actually happened.. "Safe to look now?" I asked. "Yeah.." she replied nervously. Opening my eyes, I noticed Rose looked pretty "rosey". Her cheeks were red, and she looked like she was on the brink of crying. We held a staring contest for a few seconds before I asked "How's it going?". "Great! Totally great." she said as she walked out the door and disappeared. I wonder whats next.

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